Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Scored this baby last week with BIN, my second triple Florence. Love the Emerald Green Color it really POP'S! Really special lamps I love to collect.

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Comment by frank Chillino on January 14, 2014 at 5:41pm

Thanks, it is GORGEOUS!! even better in person, that Emerald Green is such a rich Color. I will take more pictures of it in a fews days with my other lamps. The lamp arrived at my house yesterday, thankfully safely!!

Comment by frank Chillino on January 14, 2014 at 3:38pm

Hi Jonas, I remember you telling me about your Florence double you got on Craigslist I believe. I also saw pictures of it on your OG page, I also remember you told me you refilled it,  you found a pretty hard to find Florence lamp!. As you know I have the same lamp as you but with Red liquid globes. 

Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on January 14, 2014 at 1:54pm

Yep! That's a stunner all right. I hope I find a triple someday, but I love my double, even if it has non-Florence liquid/glitter.

Comment by frank Chillino on January 13, 2014 at 2:29pm

Hey Jonas, I know about the Blue one too, I was out bid!! on that Blue one. It went for $2,000 CRAZY!! I got mine for $960 with shipping costs. A BARGAIN! apparently! And I thought the Emerald was a harder Color to get. The other Florence I got in the tripod stand is Green too, but not as rich Color wise as the above triple. As they say supply and demand determines the price! I feel very lucky I got mine for $960. Thanks for writing!

Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on January 13, 2014 at 8:30am

Awesome buy! There's a blue one, skyrocketing in price, up now. Emerald is one of the less-common colors in Florence Arts.


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