Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Single drop of Peak™ Bluesky liquid dye. I may go for a blue/yellow combo.

Views: 277

Albums: GooKits


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Comment by Carol on May 7, 2015 at 8:10am

Dr. What, I tried 3 attempts at a true blue 52 oz lamp.  If you look in my pics you will see Little Boy Blue or whatever the hell I called it.  It was the prettiest blue.  It faded to almost white.  I added a tad more blue dye and it made it look plum almost purple.  Then my other blue i wanted a darker blue.  It kept fading also and every time i added more blue it ended up looking purple.  I accidently added red dye and made it purple, oopsie,, it was dark and i grabbed the wrong dye pack.  Then the 3rd one, looked plum also, so i let it fade out to almost white and added purple food coloring to the water so at least i'm not stuck with 3 purple lamps.  My one violet that I specially ordered the violet dye pack is staying true to color but it is in no light at all.  It sits in a dark spot in my living room.  Don't know if lighting matters but I even cover mine with pillow cases that are exposed to bright light or direct sunlight.  So now I really have no true blue lamp.  They photograph blue, but they look more plum purple in real life. 


I'm wondering if one would use the violet pack and go super light would it look more blue and hold it's color better because my violet is holding it's color perfect.  Or would it look more of a light purple, magenta/pink.  Hummm, i may have to experiment with that but i really don't wanna waste more goo and end up with yet another purple lamp.

Comment by Dr. WHAT?! on May 7, 2015 at 7:36am

Sounds like MT goo is doing its thing and changing colors even after its dyed regardless what dye you use. Well thanks for the picture Vox, I still like that blue better then what is in my grande. I'll be curious to see it on another base as well.

Comment by VOXul on May 7, 2015 at 1:00am

So this lamp is pulling some weird color tricks. I will say it has taken on a darker look since I ran it last, about three months. When looking at it collect and begin to flow, it gives a blacklight feel. As it rips apart it lightens up a bit, back into a lighter blue hue. Even more odd is that the glow powder that had been added seems to have latched into more of the wax giving it a color shift appearance. Edges of the wax take a very light hue while the center mass darkens up with blue and, at the extreme, blacklight purple. The camera picks it up as a much darker color than it is, I don't get it. As if the fluorescent properties of the glow powder throws the cameras judgement of color off. Maybe I am crazy... Anyways, this is the best color representation I could pull off, albeit darker than viewed live.

A couple variables happened to this globe since the main photo was taken. Those being the addition of a decent amount of electric blue glow powder as well as a slight tinting of yellow to the water. The water has since gone clear and the glow powder seems to have spread itself a little better throughout the wax. Has for sure changed in appearance since the virgin blue.

EDITED: I also found that it is running on a different base that has one of those Reveal light bulbs. This bulb emits a colder light temperature than a standard incandescent. I believe the original picture is also running a Reveal bulb but am unsure. Tomorrow I shall base swap to a warmer temperature bulb to see if it alters the color.

Comment by Dr. WHAT?! on May 6, 2015 at 9:42am

lol no worries thanks Vox!

Comment by VOXul on May 6, 2015 at 9:39am

HAHA, that is EXACTLY what I thought too! Rest assured that upload is to humor me in how badly off color my camera took the picture, so ridiculously off color. I am tinkering and hope to have it showcased properly tonight.

Comment by Dr. WHAT?! on May 6, 2015 at 9:31am

lol! That is funny cause that's what the MT blue looks like after its faded some   One thing I do notice with MT goo is that even after its goes through it's flowing "clear" stage, there still some transparency to it (move with larger lamps like grandes). It allows some light to pass thru it opposed to LL's or Mathmos' goo, where the light never passes thru it. I guess it isnt all that bad, you do get a tonal color effect to the goo but I prefer a solid look.

Comment by VOXul on May 6, 2015 at 9:19am

Even clicking the photo to enlarge it causes weird glitches as it blows it up into the tab... somethang ain't right hurrr.

Comment by VOXul on May 6, 2015 at 9:16am

I am so sorry gang, I ran it last night and have encountered a strange issue with composing itself for pictures! It shows itself as being a weird white/magenta! I do believe something is going on with my camera back as this is entirely off on color. I am investigating my camera today and will hopefully have a proper picture tonight.

I have not used those Keith! They look to pull off what I tried to acomplish with the powder however, maybe I will pick some up! That company is local to me so I can stop by their warehouse and snag some, can test them out in the next kit globe which should be happening soon.

I assure you the lamp looks nothing like this, hopefully I can figure out my camera back today and get a proper shot tonight.

Comment by Dr. WHAT?! on May 6, 2015 at 7:27am

Where is it Voxie?  :) Carol and I are feeling blue about our MT dyes lol

Comment by Keith on May 5, 2015 at 7:58pm


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