Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Crestworth Rockets
Mathmos Lunars
Fantasia Cosmic Windows

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Comment by MileHigh on July 12, 2016 at 8:29pm

I think the stickers are made of a colored plastic film similar to what I used for my orange one.

If a hot bulb touches them they will burn/melt.

I discovered that when I tried putting a Fantasia glitter bottle on a Crestworth Rocket!

The 25 watt bulb that a Fantasia Glitter lamp uses is positioned about a half inch below the bottom of the bottle so the sticker does not burn.

Comment by andy ross on July 12, 2016 at 5:29am

Thanks for the info - fascinating, and like all good ideas, really quite simple... which is why it works well and looks great, I guess...

When you made your custom orange sticker, please may I ask - did you find out if the stickers were made of special heat-proof material, or is it coloured plastic film? or acetate?

I was thinking, there must be a 30 or 40w incandescent  bulb in these lamps, they're same kind of size as the Rockets, (though glitter may need less wattage?), and that would generate a fair bit of heat, wouldn't it?

Comment by MileHigh on July 7, 2016 at 8:51pm

Fantasia glitter lamps, including the Cosmic Window, came with 5 different color stickers that can be stuck on the bottom of the bottle to change the color of the glitter.


Without the stickers they would all look the same.

One of my Windows is using no sticker ( top center ) and I made a custom orange sticker for the one on the bottom right.

The Cosmic Window is my favorite lamp and I would like to obtain more so I could build a larger pyramid of them ( lol ) but they are super rare to find in good condition.

Comment by andy ross on July 7, 2016 at 3:46pm

I make it 7 Brits, 7 US...

Are the 7 Cosmic Windows the complete series? I've never seen so many up together, beautiful lamps!

And not a wire in sight

Comment by MileHigh on July 7, 2016 at 2:38pm

Yes, a Crestworth Rocket uses the same bottle as a Mathmos Jet.

Comment by martin ward on July 7, 2016 at 7:31am
Awesome collection the crestworth rocket could u use a mathmos jet bottle in them ? Love the copper lamp
Comment by Claude J on July 4, 2016 at 3:36pm



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