Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Lamp Set of 3 Fluorescent ultraviolet light Reactivate lamps

I may need you guys to help me a bit with these lamps. I was told that these are a stand alone series of only 3 lava lamps and only made in these colors, Blue, Green, and Orange with ultraviolet light reactive base and cap. The seller that I bought them from is a former employee of Lava World and claims that he is 100% certain that only these three colors and these three specific models are the only ones with the unique Characteristic if ultraviolet reactivity. I’ll post more pics of those shortly. But does anyone know anything else about these? I thought they were a part of the Elek-tric series but the seller refutes that and says they are called the Fluorescent Series and they are a stand alone set of 3 aside from the Elek-tric series.

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Comment by CrunchyCanadian on February 7, 2020 at 7:48pm

If the caps on the bottles are American I’m pretty sure they are Elek-Trick series lamps. From what I understand, the earlier versions were fluorescent blacklight reactive and then later on they went to regular paint which was cheaper to produce. I also have these three colors in blacklight reactive as well as a pink one. Very cool!

Comment by Lamp Addict on February 6, 2020 at 10:43am

If you ever want to sell these let me know! 


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