Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I took lots of pictures, but this is the only one that even comes close to capturing the true color of the goo. I was afraid this batch had too much color in it, but now I'm so glad I started over. I LOVE the color this turned out! It's popsicle orange...just like an orange lifesaver. It's perfect!

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Comment by Loren on March 2, 2012 at 1:52pm

I only tried that once, when I had misplaced my coil. It failed miserably, but I'm not sure whether the screen was the cause. I cut the screen into a rectangle, folded it longways into a 'W', and then flattened the sides so that only one peak stood in a spike.

Comment by Bowlerhat on March 2, 2012 at 6:22am
Talking about goo kit..do you use the metal screen as subtitute for coil?
If yes,how do you cut it into an oblong shape like in the instruction?
Comment by Loren on March 1, 2012 at 11:50pm

I like the clear liquid with this one though. :p

And it's kinda weird how the exact orange that this is, seems to be invisible to my camera, but as long as the color looks good in person I'm happy,

I actually wound up having to redo this one YET AGAIN. Yes, the 4th time. But I learned a lot! For instance, I learned to be patient. The first time you run a goo kit is WEIRD...just leave it alone and let it do its thing. Like I was told, it takes several cycles for a kit to "set" with the water and coil. I also learned to do everything right the first time...don't redo the water later. That's why I'm redoing the orange again. :(

Oh...and I also learned to make sure that the markers I use to color the water aren't color-changing markers. I love the color of my other custom job, but it's acting peculiar.

Comment by Bowlerhat on March 1, 2012 at 10:42pm

better to add the color for the liquid.

try purple or violet,they'll look nice in photos :)

Comment by Loren on March 1, 2012 at 3:28am

I used a magma tower goo kit. I've since redone the water in this, and it looks MUCH clearer! The new pictures show off the orange color a little better.

Comment by Bowlerhat on March 1, 2012 at 2:46am

Red/clear wax is the hardest combination to capture..

what kind of goo did you use?


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