I am a nurse, I am married with 2 children. I have 2 cats, a guinea pig and I love my lava lamp.
Where I Live:
Meridian, MS
My First Lava Lamp was:
I bought it for my girl's room as a nightlight. I think I love it more than they do. But, sadly I messed it up. I shook it up just to see what it would do. Well, lets just say that it doesn't look as good as it used to. The lava stuff did blob back together, but it has lots of air bubbles in them. and it just doesn't "behave" as well as it once did. I wish I had not shook it up but what's done is done and I am going to try a couple of things to see if I can make it normal again.
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Well done! This is not always as straight forward as it seems as people find their lamp no longer flows (lava) or the glitter just rises to the top. I was clearing one of my Mathmos lava lamps (trying to filter the master fluid) the other day and now the lava is air bubbly! It's still cloudy too and sasdly not much use anymore.
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