Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Trish Baumann's Blog (1)

I see so many used lava lamps for sale at thrift stores, e-bay, ect - but they are always missing the top caps! Is there any source for buying just the top pieces that I don't know about? Anyone out …

I see so many used lava lamps for sale at thrift stores, e-bay, ect - but they are always missing the top caps! Is there any source for buying just the top pieces that I don't know about? Anyone out there in Lavaland who has any top pieces for sale or trade or whatever? And also, I have a lava lamp globe in which the lava has separated into two different components. One part of it floats on top of the water, One part always stays on the bottom. When the stuff is cold, both parts are solid. When… Continue

Added by Trish Baumann on June 10, 2010 at 4:18pm — 1 Comment


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