Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Is it possible to change the color of lava?

I have three questions. Has anyone had any experience with a Hot Rock lava lamp? It was really cheap and I thought I could revamp it if it didn't flow. It doesn't flow nor does the lava act normal. It has a clear consistency to it. Seems like adding salt and soap is not working. I can't get it to connect to the coil no matter what I do. Anyone have any ideas?
I found a lava floor lamp from Target and there are several on ebay- I can't find a brand but I really want to try one. They are expensive so I hate to buy one and have bad luck-Anyone have one?
Also, I would like to change the color of the lava on another lamp. Is it possible?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!! Thanks!

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Comment by Jim Beam on October 16, 2008 at 12:33pm
BTW if someone knows the ingredient to make the Retro formula opaque or what makes non-china lava so smooth flowing would be greatly appreciated!
Comment by Jim Beam on October 16, 2008 at 12:29pm
If the lava doesn't fall all the way down into the coil, your saline solution is too rich, or if it's one big blob, your surfactant isn't working. Don't add a lot of it because after a while your lava will break down. Adding dye won't make the lava opaque, just will change the color, and don't use the dye blocks, they won't work, but I've never tried the liquid dyes. I normally just use store bought candles of varying colors for my lava, scented seems to work the best.
Comment by Jennifer on September 25, 2008 at 6:30pm
So do i just remove the liquid, heat up the wax with the lamp and add the candle dye? Wow, that's a lot easier than I thought. I will be headed to big lots tomorrow-who knows if they still have one but it's worth a try. The one at target is 85.00 plus shipping! Have you used the recipe on this site? I had no luck with making the goo, but I read about the mineral oil thing-have you tried it? Seems kind of dangerous! Thanks so much for your advice!


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