Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Here are a couple of images from the Lava Lamp Storytelling Forest that I did a couple of months ago. My colleague Amanda told stories to people as they rested on the bean bags. I helped out by wafting the audience with board, sprinkling them with glitter and squirting them with water pistols to represent the weather etc.

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Comment by Tim Gill on April 24, 2012 at 2:41pm

Thats really cool it could be something you could take to the Edinburgh fringe festival or do some more shows of it. This looks like something that hasn't really been done before and if the story is good then it could get some good reviews and audience etc.

I am from a theatre / stage background and i have to say that unfortunately lava lamps aren't really used as much as they could be as the effect can be really nice in the right show and staging etc.

Who designed the lighting for it and what was the kit and design plan / intentions etc - the lighting side of me is interested.

Comment by Erin on April 23, 2012 at 7:07am

Neat! Bean bags and lava lamps. Looks very relaxing. :) Thanks for sharing the pic. 


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