This site is moderated. A group of volunteer moderators choose which posts to feature and do their best to keep the resulting discussion relevant and civil.
Our guiding principle is this: Be nice when commenting or be deleted.
Really, it's that simple. But if you want to be more specific, here are some guidelines:
Characteristics of a good comment:
Insight/additional information
Characteristics of a bad comment:
Politely disagreeing with an author or taking an alternate stance is more than fine. Being argumentative or refusing to back down however is not cool. If you cannot accept differences in a rational, civil manner, please don't comment here.
Some commenting examples
"I disagree with you, dude. The American lava lamps are inferior. You should really buy a Mathmos when you have the chance."
"Typical American bullshit. Who do you think you are? We get these china-made crap bottles shoved down our throats? I hope one explodes in your face."
Um yeah. That last one will be deleted.
When you can't live with this:
When a commenter refuses to back down or complains about their comment being deleted, Oozing Goo moderators may issue them either a public or private warning. If this warning is ignored, the commenter will be suspended from the site. The duration will be commensurate with the offense. Sometimes moderators will ban someone immediately and without warning. Suspensions will be listed in the ongoing Suspensions thread in the forum. At any time, suspended members with a change of heart can ask to be reinstated.
Back to the conversation...
Thanks for reading, thanks for commenting. We hope you enjoy participating in a vibrant, constructive discussion about lava lamps.
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