Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well was having a rubbish day, so decided to trawl the local flea market and charity shops for some globe lampshades for a deco ceiling fitting. Had no luck with that but found a Telstar for a fiver. Was very welcome as I was having no luck on Ebay, the last one I was looking at just jumped to £18. Little dissapointed by the lime green wax/clear colour and was going to swap in a red/violet, but now I've got it plugged in and working I've completely changed my mind.

So hoping I might find a third good buy for the week at tomorrows market.

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Comment by D Newnham on March 5, 2011 at 10:00am
So much for the threes theory. Went to the market today and not even a generic or usb lava lamp to be had. Definitely not complaining though.


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