Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

They say every lava lamp has its own personality. This one has a really strange personality, which is due to the massive quantity of epsom salts I added-just to make it act right! I've never had one cycle between really active to downright dull then back to active again, but that's what this one does, over and over. Definitely finished tinkering with it this time.

Views: 240

Comment by Loren on January 10, 2015 at 7:13am

I would be VERY happy with that...bravo! I don't think that is dull, at any point. I love a full column of undulating lava, and I love the shower of smaller blobs, and I love how they all come back together again...in short, I love cyclical flow like that!

Comment by Critter on January 10, 2015 at 7:26am
I don't think that is too strange. Oh and I love it too. My green blue 32 oz bottle from my Saturna flows like this and I love it.
Comment by Carol on January 10, 2015 at 9:29am
I luv that too!! Is that ur grande kit jus?? Do u find the salt clouds them up over time?
Comment by Jus on January 10, 2015 at 12:01pm

Thanks, Loren!  I'm happy too, now...but the column-forming stage is what caused me to fiddle with the first result from several days ago (Yep, Carol-its my grand kit).  It was staying in a column FOREVER, and driving me nuts!  Which is why I decided to mess with it, adding the glycerin, then I got nervous and dumped the liquid and started over.  This time, when it hit that same level where the column would persist for most of the time, that's when I noticed when it DID finally break and send blobs, the blobs weren't traveling high enough to give things a chance to do right.  I added more and more epsom salts until the blobs would go all the way to the top before falling again, and that gives enough time for the rest to get moving too.  At least I think that's what happens...lol

Carol-this will be a good experiment to see if it clouds. I will keep yall posted as to what happens over time.

This was my 2nd time to order a goo kit, and I've yet to have one work as advertised and without needing to alter the liquid density.  I sure am glad I learned so much here!

I feel really bad for anyone who buys a dud goo kit but has no idea how to deal with it...hopefully they'll find their way to OozingGoo...

Comment by Tim on January 10, 2015 at 1:26pm

I had the same issue with my newly kitted grande. So after a few days of it doing nothing I called MT and they had me check the water temp. I did and  at 125 deg MT said that the goo should be flowing and streaming all over the place however it was not. So they are sending me new goo and surf I hope I have better luck this time!!

Comment by Carol on January 10, 2015 at 2:47pm
Ive been lucky!! Ive done 5 or 6 52s and ive gotten them all to flow however 2 of them not at first. Ive had coil problems and had toadd a second coil. Ive also had those types of column problems but i increased the heat and it started to break. Now im worried because kim at mt said if i run them too hot that is what causes wax sticking and streaking!!!
Comment by Jus on January 12, 2015 at 1:51pm

Thanks for your comment, Tim.  I may call MagmaTower and just talk to them about the problems I had.  Good luck with your new goo!

Comment by VOXul on January 12, 2015 at 2:09pm

What an ideal flowing lamp! Love that it phases in and out from column to rainfall drops. Silky smooth lamp you have there, Jus!

Comment by Jus on January 12, 2015 at 2:15pm

Thanks, Vox!

Comment by Tim on January 15, 2015 at 6:31pm

Well I got the new goo but still have the same flow as before I don't understand why these goo kits won't flow right for me. I'm disappointed maybe my expectations of these goo kits were to high. Like you said Jus they don't work as advertized.


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