Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

They say every lava lamp has its own personality. This one has a really strange personality, which is due to the massive quantity of epsom salts I added-just to make it act right! I've never had one cycle between really active to downright dull then back to active again, but that's what this one does, over and over. Definitely finished tinkering with it this time.

Views: 240

Comment by Carol on June 18, 2015 at 8:51pm

Ok, I couldn't stand it.  Took a sponge to it again, it is a tad cloudy at start up.  It looks like it is still angry and unsettled.  Got all of the streaks off inside the globe cept for one spot.  Don't know if I missed it, or it just is stubborn.  I even took the sponge to it while it was on the lighted base so I could see where they were.  Had to work fast though b4 the lava softened!!!  Looks decent again so far.  I'm sure it will clear with more runs.


Pretty clear though....so far...like you said Jus, I will see how long it takes for the fog to come back....

Comment by Jus on June 18, 2015 at 10:06pm

good luck!


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