Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Where can one buy these? I checked ebay, thinking there would be tons of listings, but to my surprise, not many! Specifically, I need a 52 oz silver cap. Can you get them through lavalite?

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Search bottle caps. You can get bags of them at home brewery shops locally too. Nothing special. Bag of 50 will be like 3 bux.
Not the bottle caps... the plastic cone shaped caps that fit over the top of the globe... do these have a different name that I am oblivious to?
Kris, I think he means the top plastic cap. Actually, I think the best place to get them is from another collector here on OG - probably in the buy/seel/trade forum. The problem is that they break and get lost, so there are fewer caps than globes and therefore people dont tend to sell them....
Or... use a shot glass... plastic, glass, stainless steel... They are easier to come by & great fits!

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