Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Does anyone know what size or shape the pacifica really was, or have a picture. I read some where on "ozzinggoo" it was but 22" long and 4" around but that is the same as the atlantis.

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did you ever get a copy of the catalog scanned ???

Well I got it done the acrylic people didn't cut the tube down to the size like I ask when I ordered it so I now have the world's largest alantis wave machine 31 inches long lol. looks really good though.
Wave machines are COOL!
Thanks, yeah pic doesn't do it justice ( taken with my phone ) as soon as I got done.
It turned out Beautiful! Good job, man!
Thanks i'll try to take some more pics with a real camera and post em.
This is likely the first ever successful home Wave Machine repair! Looks amazing. Could you describe how you put this together?
Sure, You will need a piece of Cast acrylic tubing / pipe 4" in diameter and cut to the right length a gallon of distilled water ( dont use rubbing alcohol like I did the first time it will eat the acrylic ) 5 or so 20oz bottles of regular plain baby oil, blue liquid ( not gel ) food coloring, a small amount of velcro ( strip kind make sure it has a sticky back, 2 bucks at walmart ) and some Loctite "all plastics" glue ( found at lowes ), also some end caps for the tube, the place where you buy the acrylic should sell them for a additional charge. In my case I got lucky and found a piece or half inch plexiglass laying around at work and we have a cnc routing machine, so I had the caps custom made by our cnc machine guy for free. O also when you order the acrylic tube make sure to tell them to cut the ends perfect flat / they did not cut it like I ask, that's y its 31 inches lol. Mine did not come flat so I had to slowly carefully sand the ends flat. Yes I know ??? " Y didn't I just cut it and get flat end and the right length", Because I read several places that if you cut acrylic it is VERY likely to crack or chip ( I think they laser cut it ). After you have all the necessary stuff glue ONE end cap to the tube. Let dry and start droping drops of blue / your desired color of food coloring in to the gallon jug of distilled water, start with six or seven. Shake it up and look to c if it the desired color. Set your tube on end and poor just under half full ( the wave tube ) of the blue water. Next fill the the rest of the tube with baby oil, leave a small bit or air a half inch or so to make sure you have a clean surface to glue the second cap to and room for expansion. Glue the second cap on let dry ( for about ten min.) Place velco on the rocking arm in the original base ( leave both sides stuck together and peel off both sides of the protictive sticky back ) Then carefully lay the completed "vessel" dead center and it should stick to the adhesive backing of the velcro, and there ya go just like new minus the bubble on the bottom.

Sorry for the book lol .
Yeah that worried me to when I first started the repair with the new tube, but to my surprise it did real well. It doesn't seem to hesitate or be slugish at all, it works really good.
That is amazing, very nice job indeed.
Ok so if you have followed my post u have seen that I fixed / recreated the vessel for my alantis wave machine. Well I just learned that apperiantly candle wax dye ( like u find at a craft store ) will dye baby oil the kind like I used in the stated above post. So if this is true and works out ( I will be experimenting this weekend ) and it does dye the oil and does not run into the dyed water, I will so be ordering another tube / pipe and will be makeing another multicolor vessle. I will have the first "giant" two color wave!!!

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