Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone have any info on this fiber optic light?


The seller stated she paid "$1800.00" dollars for it when she bought it new many years ago. I find that hard to believe ( I will eat my words if someone proves me wrong). Even at the price she has it now, I think it's waaaay too much.

I am hoping someone can she some light on the subject (no pun intended). Is it some China junk? Looks too well made for that but again, I still don't see $1800.00 dollars worth of lamp there.

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Yeah, it does look like a Poly Optics light. It is huge from what I am reading. However, at $650 or whatever it is she has it up for, I think that's too much money. I think it should be around $250. It looks like a beautiful lamp that's for sure.
So let's get this right, she bought it in '69 and paid 1800 bucks for it then? That was a heck of a lot of money then as it even is today. Was there even fibre optic technology commercially available in '69?
correct me if i'm wrong but those fibres look filthy!
Yeah, FO technology was available in the late 60's early 70's. Poly Optics used plastic fiber optics, not glass (as far as I know). Plastic fiber optics are thicker and can yellow/discolor over time. They also do not transmit light near as good as glass fibers do. It's literally a night and day difference. That's why lots of fiber optic stuff now, is nothing but plastic junk. A gimmick in short.

The only good fiber optics, are glass or super high grade acrylic strands or the like. None of that cheap stuff.
Yes. I have one of those kits. New, never used. I might use it, have not decided yet. It's a cool kit. You make your own tree light.
Lamp is definitely unique looking.
To me it's kind of strange though. I don't think it is as visually appealing as the Fantasia's or others in your collection.
What is cool is that it's so tall.

I have seen this in a table, a wall and a floor model, and there are some European variants (France and UK) with arms that have loops in them like a French horn. On some, the tips have individual tiny bulbs with a transformer in the base; others have a transformer and light in the base, and fibers up through each arm. Poly Optics made the Hobby Opticals lamps, and I'm betting this model and the floor and wall versions were "art lamps" at the high end of the product line. Whether it was $1800, I'm not certain, but fiber lamps, usually the glass ones (Fantasia, Cuda, Dolan Jenner etc.) were pricey.

If I had money to burn, I'd pay no more than $100 for this, but that's just me - I'm certain it's a rare unit, but it does have damaged (in placed) yellowed plastic fibers.
Wow, that is a cool photo. The lamp is huge! Even the one on eBay is huge. I think the yellow fibers are suppose to be that way. Problem is my experience tells me that plastic (poly) fibers don't emit a lot of light. Even at $650+ it's still too pricey in my opinion.

If it was $250 - I would consider it (when I have a job)
I have a similar fibre optic lamp called a nightflower made byFairland Op Arts in 1976.
Here is a picture of the lamp with it's box.
Nice pic Pauley! Lovely clean fibres too thanks to the box.
This box just oozes 70's appeal with the fab 70's style lettering.

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