Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I heated my old lava lamp up for the 1st time in ages and it started to rise, but then just stayed there. i thought that the wax was too hot so i cooled it down to replace the buld but the wax just sat in the same position. even when i reheat it. it does not seem like the wax is connect to the coil,

any ideas?

this is the lamp in question is a Hot Rocks and is attached below

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so there is nothing i can do?
Give is several hours for the wax to melt completely, but no more than 8 to 10 hours. If the was doesn't flow back to the bottom and contact the coil, gently twist the bottle back and forth. This will cause the melted wax to come into contact with the coil. Do not use so much force that you shake the bottle, that would not be good! You may have to do this for a few days.
yes, I have the same green hot rocks as you do. nice collection! i tried a different bulb earlier today while i was waiting for replys, but now all it does is rise to make a "tower" then just topples over. if that makes any sense. and a gob of ooze is floating at the top with some ooze sticking to the top.

thats the best i can explain haha
okay, now its flowing nicely but there is still some just chillin at the top. anything i can do for that? id like it to flow like yours, Bohdan

also i see some air bubbles.

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