Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well, all that time, money and energy is now gone. Seems my docile cats decided to go floor sliding and slam into the base of the lamp and moments later, there was silence and not a cat to be found. My floor was bleeding blue fluid at a rapid rate. Glass shards everywhere. Absolutely horrible. So, 45 minutes later, everything was cleaned up. I was freaking pissed. This happened an hour before work too. All that work and energy. The lamp was perfect, complete and was going to be sealed up in a few days. Gone.

Really pisses me off. I threw our Dyson at the cats because I was so pissed. Anyways I am ok now. I was more upset because of the mess and I didn't want any of them getting hurt. That more than anything. Secondary was the loss of all the hard work. Ugh.

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OH dude that sucks. But yeah I hope your cats didn't lick it up ): But we've all lost good lamps to fatal accidents ):
Yeah, I saved the wax. It was weird because I had this HUGE zip lock baggy that I brought down a few days earlier and forgot about sitting on the shelf right above it. I was freaking because I did not know what I was going to put the wax in. Then I saw the bag. Just really odd.

I wonder if the wax would flow in a new grande from costco? Use the clear fluid from a red/clear, remove the red, add the white and see if it flows? What do you think the odds are? Even worth the time?

I will also say, the glass was thin as hell.
That's a good idea. Might try that. Dunno yet.
It was just one cat. The floor is painted concrete and the lamp was sitting next to a wall. They fly around the corner and what happened was he slammed into the base pushing it, however the top/globe was stopped by a shelf. So the base was pushed one way and the top was stopped, causing it to tilt and there you have it.
Awww Kris! Don't punish the furbabies too harshly. I'm sorry she died. RIP blue beauty.
I'm not. Was just upsetting you know. Maybe another one will be coming my way? Who knows. :)
So sorry to hear of your bad luck Kris :-( my kitty nearly toppled my opal Fluidium a while back and she was severly ushered out of the back door for a while whilst i tried to calm down (no smacks, just alot of shouting!).

Years ago i got a Crestworth coach lamp from my granddad after he passed on but i absoutely hated it. When i married i moved to Australia with my new hubby and for some reason i decided to take this lamp with me. All i did with it was lock it away in a cupboard because i couldn't stand looking at it and it certainly didn't go with the room decor. Over time it got bumped around so much that part of it broke so i ended up throwing it in the garbage.

God knows why i took it but i wish i had left it with my parents here in the UK. I remember my dad offered to take it but i refused....wish i bloody had. The globe was green/blue i think and was clear as a bell but i never, ever appreciated it at all so it ended up as landfill....sniff!.

I was so young and stupid!!
Oh boy, that is pretty gut wrenching :( I hope it's not a sign of things to come for me - just got a new dog last week and she's leaving the lamps alone at the moment... they're fairly well protected but could be knocked over if she got too inquisitive about them as was keen to take a closer look... so far so good though - fingers crossed!
Lol, huge ice cream cone!

Even if I had carpet, the top was not sealed, just had aluminum over it. So it would have spilled it's guts all over and would have been near impossible to get the blue out. Granted the lamp would not have broken, not sure what would have been worse. Broken lamp or lamp missing 3/4's of the fluid. Live and learn :)
Pretty Furbabies! They can come visit me anytime!
Yeah, someone grab that lamp in Detroit! That's no Grande - it's a Giant! And worth the $150.

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