Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

...that being, they're only bases! Had one base for years, bought another yesterday at a thrift store for a dollar. What are the chances of me finding globes to fit them? I have two Consort gold-cap bottles, but four bases in all: one Windsor and three Consorts (two wood, one plastic). The Windsor will definitely be a glitter fill (empty at the moment), the plastic base has a globe, but I'd like to get globes for the two wood-base Consorts and make a matched pair. I'd take empty ones, too, provided I can get coils, and I'd hunt down bottles to do the fill I want. Anyone...?

Don't have much to offer in trade, really. Got two extra silver Aristocrat bases (one new style, no holes, the other pre-China dated 1999), a red Wizard glitter globe with red Wizard cap, an old brass Century base with a few small dents, an Adriatic (16") Wave Machine black base in working order, and a silver Century white/blue pre-China sans cover cap, as well as some empty bottlecap-type 32-oz. globes sans caps, springs and contents - I doubt any of this is really worth one Consort bottle, let alone two, but I might as well ask and see what anyone has. I also have some nifty non-lamp items I could trade - will only list 'em if asked.

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Good luck on your quest Jonas. Someone has to have them on here somewhere!
Thanks, Kris, I hope so... The Consort is a nifty little design - borrowed, like many early Lava designs, from Crestworth (their export-only model, the Cosmos) but with the American slant - switching the mirror aluminum for brushed brass, and adding a pedestal of then-popular walnut. Had great ad copy, too: the lamp had a "masculine flavor" (I'm sure they had no idea how wrong that sounds) that was "perfect for the den, so right for the executive suite". (I'm reminded here of one of the scents for the Aroma Disc Player, a bizarre 80s air freshener. For the Executive Suite scent: "The quiet of an exclusive world...plush leathers, oak panels and the warm richness of tobacco and spices". And that wasn't the most bizarre scent offered - "Carrington" was moreso - anyone care to guess what that was?)

The Consorts do work well for refills. Here is on that I refilled and keep on my desk for that masculine feel in my executive suite :)

Good luck.
You can refill two consort bottles with the lava and fluid from a 32 oz globe. I refilled my Consort and Mediterranean from the same 32 oz globe. You can find the old 32 oz globes on EBay, Craigslist, or at Thrift shops. I have also used Lava Louie supplies and they work very well. The key is to clean the consort bottles thoroughly. I clean them with dish soap and a bush that will fit inside the bottle. Then rinse them with distilled water. Next I fill them with rubbing alcohol and let it soak for 10 or 15 minutes. Empty the alcohol and rinse again with distilled water. Allow the bottle to dry. It might be overkill, but I have not had problems with lava sticking to the globe doing it this way. Good Luck!
Blind Faith, if you want to do a refill in red, I would gladly send you an empty Consort bottle (currently on my Windsor base) and buy your full one, though my empty bottle has no spring. Yours is green lava/blue liquid and flows well? Consorts and others with the same bottle (Mediterranean, Capri, Astro) with original fill, especially red and orange, are often subject to what I call "Consort syndrome", wherein the wax's density changes with age and it rises to the top en masse and gets stuck there. I have only two red Consort bottles that still flow properly, one each Mediterranean and Princess - the rest are refills.

Manix, could you post your refill procedure somewhere, as well as describe exactly how much wax you put in a Consort globe? I have one I refilled in the late 90s, but I should do it over as it doesn't work all that well. I think my procedure was a bit sloppy.

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