Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

replacement bulb for mathmos fluidium ross lovegrove model

ok....I need some help locating a bulb for my mathmos fluidium ross lovegrove model...can anyone help?...there is nothing on the package box to indicate the bulb type...I guess Im looking for a wattage and bulb type???

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These Are a nornal clear 40w ses goft ball, most supermarkets will have them about a £1 for two. Has your's got the heat shield. if so this is the bulb you need. The colour bulbs you can't no longer get from mathmos. go to this link.
Good thinking and a great idea with the coloured paint...
If you have a heat shield then use a 40 watt small screw pearl golfball bulb. They are cheap as chips in places like Morrissons, ASDA etc. Don't order the ones from Mathmos because the price is a complete rip off and the reflector bulbs run them way too hot!!

For colour boosting i would try an R50 ses 40 watt reflector bulb. Places like B&Q. Homebase etc stock these types of bulbs (saw some in this morning).

I had 4 reflector bulbs from Mathmos which i got for free but never used them...could only run the Fluidium's for a max of 2 hours which is a waste of time as far as i'm concerned.

The only reason i suggested an R50 reflector bulb for colour boosting is that i could never find a coloured golfball type bulb.
the R50 coloured reflectors do not fit in the bases unless you leave the lampholder loose. The bottom of the bottle touches the top of the bulb and not the plastic base.
Yes I have tryed useing r50 myself, and it is too big the the lamp casing I have picked up glass paints form alan's & barrys craft shop there £3.50 each and they do load's of colour's to paint your own bulb's, Still asking the question can a E14 ses reflector Golf ball work ok?
glass paint always burns off-have tried that one too.
no this paint is for glass bulb's I have tryed it and it hasn't burn't off yet. The proper glass paint won't. it's worth buying it honest.
yes I can vouch for the glass paint theory too...i used it for ages and it showed no signs of heat damage....

and btw thanks to all for the replies to my query...Ive taken the base of the Lovegrove to several local lighting shops and they all sratch their heads.. (in Melbourne Australia)...
what make glass paint is it-I have tried all the glass paints from hobbycraft and they all burn off? cheers
Did you use the water or solvent based paint?
I have tried the solvent based paint in numerous colours and it ended up going soft then burning off.

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