Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I read somewhere, that if you turn the bottle of a lava lamp upside down, it will permanantly ruin it. Is this true? My wife is 63, and she was at Haight Ashbarry when the whole hippy thing kicked off. She speaks so fondly of her lava lamp from the day! She no longer has one, and so I was buying her 2 of them off e bay, I just wanted to see her face on Christmas morning! I was now concerned about having one shipped after reading about turning them end over end. Anyone have advice ir experience in this subject? I appreciate your input as a new member!

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Hi there,

I can attest to my friends' comments in that, as long as they're cold there shouldn't be any problem with shipping whatsoever. As Astrobaby says, the earlier American made Lava Lites are of far better quality.

Welcome to Oozing Goo!
Awesome guys! Thank you for your warmest of welcomes. I'm really releived to know I at least have a chance at getting them in working condition. I am 42, born in the summer of love, and my retired college professor wife is 63, and was an adult in the summer of love at Haight Ashburry. She talks about some of her acid trips while going to school at Berkley, and I can't wait to see her face when she opens the Lava Lamps on Christmas morning! I know I paid out the butt for the 2 lamps I bought on Ebay, and I hope they are the American versions. I really hate Chinese stuff, and tried to research as much as possible but was until now, unaware that any were made in China. I have included photos of each of the lamps I bought, and I'm bidding on a third lamp as well. How am I doing?
COOL! I was worried I might have bought something crap! I bought one for buy it now $49 + $13 shipping including insurance. The other was a bit more........OUCH. ......$76 + $15 shipping. I actually fouled up on that one, because I set bid snipe on one of my e bay accounts, and just to make sure I got it, I walked in a manual bid, just from my other e bay account! DAH! I thought I'd try to explain to the seller, then, just decided to eat it. Especially now I know I got a well made lamp. A Century huh? Can you still get parts for them like bottles and such? I can't wait to get them here! Thanks for the input you guys. You're all great and I'm getting hooked. Chris
So now these are made in china? How can you tell? I am quickly becoming addicted to these lamps the more I learn and see videos of them working. I also am an out of control, no holds barred, hoarder! I'm sure, before it's over with, I'll be adding more to the herd.

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