Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well my first foray into buying a lava lamp from an online source and i end up with a seriously cloudy lamp. Can just barely see my hand on the other side of the lamp. Was wondering what my best course of action would be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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do a search here for "cloudy lamp" and you'll get lots of answers....
(sorry, didn't mean to sound snotty)
It is a china globe and the wax is a awesome shade of blue. Dont have a filter though. So the running it and letting it cool ive been reading about wont clear it up then?
The more i think about it the more irritated i get the package wasnt even marked as fragile and there was a handful of packing peanuts in teh box so i have a feeling this lamp got sloshed around a good bit in transit. Its a shame too would be a awesome lamp contacted the people i ordered it from yesterday still waiting to hear back from em if im lucky they may get me taken care of if not i may get a goo kit and try performing surgery on my lamp lol.
Thanks Bohdan ill give that a go.
Did this work? I just bought some Lava Lamps intended for Christmas presents and have run into the same problem. :(
It cleared up a bit yes but its still kinda foggy. But no where near as bad as it was when i recieved it.
quick filtering question. do i need to rinse the bottle out before putting the liquid back in? i'm going to try to do my first lamp tomorrow. if i have to rinse, i presume i use distilled water??
The vintage lamp that I had bought on Ebay 2-3 weeks ago is now clear due to your "cycling" advice! Yay! I even bumped it by mistake at one point. I was sure I was going to have to pry it open. WHEW!
The more i think about it the more irritated i get the package wasnt even marked as fragile

Boxes are shipped and sorted by machine. No machine can read if the box is labeled "fragile", "glass", "this side up" or "handle with care".

The UPS driver carrying your package up the driveway was the longest it was touched by human hands.

Good article on how to pack fragile items for the real world:

People should not have to go to these great lenghts to get a working product that you pay good money for. Even filtering is a bit much in my opinion.
I ended up having to do "surgery" on both of the new ones I bought for gifts. :/ After remixing the liquid solution, it took me nearly a month to get the density / balance just right but now they are fine. They were looking great just in time to give them away. What an ordeal tho. I wish I had known about Gookits sooner.

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