Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I have a newer Lava Brand Motion Lamp. the 14.3'' blue/white. After initial warm up, and after maybe one or two globs float and return...they all meld back together and form one singularity at the bottom. I have seen it making no contact with the coil, and at times...very little contact. I really want this lamp to work. Right now it has a 25 watt bulb in it. The coil doesn't sit flat at the bottom, it looks bent. I'm guessing it needs a new coil, but I just wanted to confirm my suspicions before I attempt to crack it open.

Thanks everyone.

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Well, I'm just unsure of what to do. A new coil shouldn't be too hard to do. Maybe the bulb isn't hot enough to keep things going? It just floats there, no movement at all. Kinda sad really.
You can try adding insulation to the top cap and in the bulb housing (away from the bulb) which may focus enough heat in the bottle to get things going
Hi Tyler. I just bought my first lava lamp (also a lava brand, 14.3" pink/white) and mine is doing the same exact thing. My coil does sit flat, but the lava will not stick to it once it seperates. It floats mid-globe for hours. Has yours improved at all?
Have you thought of a higher wattage bulb? maybe a 40 watter.
I've thought about a higher wattage bulb, but then I thought about possibly scorching the lava. It has improved slightly, but not much. It splits and separates into a bunch of smaller globs, with one large glob. They never combine together, they just float around like a lava solar system. Never fear though, I just happened to be walking in the back room at wal-mart to clock in for the day and saw a few grande lamps in the steel. Might pick one of those up if they ever go on sale :P

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