Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

i just sold a lmap on ebay and the customer is concerned that the lamp with arrive frozen with the super cold weather, anyone else have this problem. anything i can do to prevent it from happening?

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Don't think you can freeze a lava lamp. It has anti freeze in it. Actually, you can't. I have had one outside all winter, never froze. We have had sub 30 degree temps and several days of snow. So no, you can't freeze one.
this person says they've had 2 lamps arrive frozen!
Doubt it really. Like I said, I have had a china lamp outside for like 5 months. Don't care to bring it in honestly. It never once froze. If it did, the glass would have cracked and/or the top would have busted off.
now the guy wants me to package with instant hand warmers! i guess i will as long as he pays for them. he lives in minnesota
Shouldn't hurt. Only like 2 bux for 4/6 of them. Lol. Whatever makes people happy :)
LOL hand warmers last about 5 hours if your lucky. Ship it USPS Priority and it should get there just fine. Send it on a Monday that way it will not sit in a trailer in a drop yard, they keep the equipment moving pretty good through out the week, the weekends stuff sits.

We're having a heat wave today in MN. It is 21 below right now. And no, I am not the one receiving the lamps. :) The handwarmers will last 8 hours tops.

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