Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

There are 2 voltages of bulbs generally available, 120V and 130V.
Most home improvement retailers will also carry 130V bulbs.  These are made to run cooler and last longer.  The color of the light will be less intense (not as bright white).  The difference in heat, though not a lot, may be what is needed for some lamps.  I use 130V bulbs in my 52oz lamps.  I have bought them at dollar stores (i.s. Dollar Tree) in multi-packs.


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Cool, thanks for the heads up!
I've never seen any ceramic or resin lamps in person but they sure look great. I have 1 1990 Aristocrat and a new silver base LW with clear/black. I'm redoing the lava on the Aristocrat from the faded yellow/blue to purple wax with orange water.
So far it's working good thanks to the people on this site and Justin who wrote up the Simplified instructions. I've used the Brakekleen for years and didn't realize it was Perc. I changed the water on the clear/black to remove the cloudy look.

Wow those lamps are beautiful!
My LW China isn't nearly as clear as the 2 beauties in the pictures above.
Maybe they are sending all their toxic chemicals worldwide inside lava lamps as the goo. LOL
Mine is better than it was. If it doesn't clear up I will probably overhaul it.


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