Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

OK, I'm new here, so I hope I'm in the right place.  I have what I think is a Century model. The base and globe are intact, but the top cap is cracked.  It does not work at all.  Is there hope for repair?
I actually have 2 "starlight" bases. Is it possible to buy just the globes?

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Does this have the screw on top or crimp capped? Does it still have the fluid in there?
It's a screw top. There is liquid with a few bits of wax floating in it.
If you tip the globe upside down, would the cap leak? If so, then the wax has lost it's gas, and is bad. You'll need to replace the wax. The liquid should be alright. You can put a rubber stopper in the bottles opening to help keep presure in the bottle from the expansion of the liquid and the bubbling wax gases. You could talk to some of the other guys on here such as Mark goo Lamphead Astrobaby Crestworth limited or Bohdan or any other. Might have other ideas but if the lid leaks or won't hold the liquid in, then the gases from the expanding lava as it creates bubbles, and hence, the lift toward the top of the bottle, through displacement....Has escaped, because there wasn't pressure built up from the heated and expanded liquid, forced up and into the air space behind the cap. The lack of pressure within the bottle allowed the gases to bubble out of the lava.
Hey Bohdan! Are you aware of anyone who might have caps for those older Centuries?
No, it doesn't flow at all. It's sounding like I need to replace the globe.
The liquid stays in, so the cap is OK.
Is there a spring in the bottom ?
Yes, there is a spring.
http://www.gookits.com/ you can use the same bottle just replace the contents do you have a 40watt light in it
Yes, I have a light. How do I replace the contents?
go to http://www.gookits.com order the kit
Thanks! This is just what I need.

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