Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I just recently purchased a 2 foot tall lava lamp that i understand is like the grande ones everyone has been having problems with. the wax is sticking at the bottom ,but the coil IS touching all of it, in a huge goose egg blob. during the first 30 minutes a blob or two will go up and eventually fall back down but it stays in a blob. from reading up on this issue people have been saying that adding jarring salt will help with the flow. looking at the cap i doubt i can remove it but i can probably lightly drill a hole in it large enough to pour small quantities in. so i guess what i would like to know is how would i go about adding the salt to this mixture ? i understand they do it by the 1/1000 so im assuming ill be only putting in a few granules at a time ? if anyone else has a suggestion on how to fix this aside from salt, returning it or destroying it i would very much appreciate it!

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How long are you letting it run ? These lamps take 4 to 6 hours to warm to operating temperatures, also if its in a cooler area or drafty area it will not flow properly. Alot of people have had success putting a towel over the top of the lamp to make it heat quicker and get hotter. Make sure its a 100 watt bulb too.

thank you for the quick response! i didnt take thought about my fan in my room, ive been letting it warm up for about 2 - 3 hours before taking my results, so i will wait 6 hours, thank you for this info, i will post back later with hopefully some pics and results from your instructions. im still trying to get the hang of this stuff
cool, seeing as i got this on a good deal cause it was a floor model it didnt have any kind of instruction slip with it, thank you for the info!
Covering the globe will help the lamp heat up faster, but make sure to check it often.

Or you'll end up with a globe like this...

LOL, but I forgot & it sat covered for 4 hours! Oh and by the way... the towel trick has NOT helped my flow. It still has golf balls, no matter how long I run it. I'm gonna swap it out & get a Goo Kit! Stupid Chinacrap!
thank you so much for the advice everyone!! the towel method works PERFECT!! this thing is raging like it was fresh out of the box, and also thank you for the extra tidbit of advice for the towel time ;) now i feel like watching some towely on south park ;x
LOL, glad it worked out for you! Looks like it's plop the spring time for me!

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