Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've got a few 32oz. bases where the bulb is really stuck. I've wiggled and worked and they just won't come out. And I've got one where the bulb shattered - and the bulb's base is stuck!

How do you guys handle these?

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Needlenose pliers. I clamped on the base of the bulb and started turning untill in came off. I did do it with the cord unplugged. The ones with the bulb intacted I've just worked at it untill it came out. Hope it helps.
Thanks! I'll try pliers on the broken one. I've given the unbroken ones a good ten minutes each, just sitting at my desk, twisting at 'em. The bulb will usually turn a quarter rotation or so in either direction, but no more. On one, it finally loosened up, went another half turn or so, stuck there, and now won't twist at all.
Great! I got the broken bulb out! Thanks a lot, pliers worked like a charm!

Anyone know what to do when a 32oz. has a NON-broken bulb stuck in it? I have two like this. In one, I can turn the bulb about a quarter-turn in either direction, but no more. In the other, it won't budge at all. I thought I might have more luck with the pliers trick, so I *tried* to get the bulb to break... and nothing I tried worked! A screwdriver touched to the bulb and banged repeatedly with a hammer just bounced off.
I had to break a bulb once and it was a challenge. What I ended up doing was finding the smallest phillips screw driver I could find and I hit it hard with a hammer at the center of the bulb and it finally shattered.
Tip # 1 is only use brass base bulbs as they NEVER get stuck. Tip # 2 is to use as little pressure as possible when trying to get out a stuck bulb. Hold the base upside down and as lightly as you can keep trying to turn the bulb, the less pressure the better. I have never had to break a bulb to get it out using this technique. Use brass base bulbs only and they will always come out easily.


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