Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to OG but I just wanted to let everyone know I just listed the new Halloween Resins on eBay. Outside of being a collector I also sell them on the side around the holidays. They're a little cheaper than the ones listed by D's and I'll be glad to open them and check them out prior to shipping to make sure it's not a dud. I'm really excited about them bringing back the 32oz globes for these lamps, hopefully they will bring back the 32oz in full force. Thanks!

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Very cool! Thanks for the heads up & I'm loving the Thundercats avatar!
My thoughts exactly...Thunder...Thunder...Thundercats Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am such a Thundercats fan!!! Can't wait for the new animated series 2010!
Yah it looks like it's going to be awesome, I love anime anyway and that looks like the animation style their going with.
OMG! A NEW Thundercats show?!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEE!
Along the Anime discussion, my first true Anime experience was The Last Unicorn. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084237/ An updated film version was in production, but it's been 6-8 years & no signs of it being finished, http://www.the-last-unicorn.net/ kinda like Duke Nukem Forever... Which, weirdly, is back to being FINISHED! http://www.dukenukem.com/#?press_release

Okay, so I went a bit off course... What happened to the Thundercats movie?

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