Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi All,  I found a blue clear at a yard sale the other day for $1.  It looked really clear and when I ran it I found that the goo would not connect to the coil. In fact after heatup it will levitate about 1/2" above the coil. I found this odd because I have an identical blue (#13) that works just fine.  The kid I got it from had it from his mom and she has never messed with the chem.  I've seen this on the china type but not an older one.  Any ideas? Oh yes and the reverse happens...after shut down the wax rises to the top then falls.  Sound like a fluid density reversal but again, an old lamp?

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there are many much more knowledgeable than i that i hope will chime in, but have you checked to make sure the bulb is the correct size?
have you also tried the little swirl action they recommend to try to help reconnect it?
Hey Brian, Yes... first thing i checked. it came with a poofed bulb so i put a frosted 40w on a dimmer no less to see if overheat was the issue
Are you doing to return springs from lowes or do you have another source?
ah why a frosted bulb? should it not be a clear one?
Frosted lenses tend to disperse the IR radiation which is the heating component of the bulb. The filament in a clear is more directionally focused and could cause uneven melting of the glass base and lava above it.
From all the lava trials and error I had this past winter I'd say the coil has gone bad. You can definitely find them at Lowe's.

I ended up frying the original wax in mine and had to get a Goo Kit to fix it up;

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