Hello! I received my first Squiggle lamp today. Pretty decent lamp, except it smelled like smoke! I have a few questions, so if anyone can help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.
1) What's the best way to clean a Squiggle base? A few strands of the gold paint are missing and I want to make sure I don't use something too harsh and damage the lamp.
2) This thing overheats quickly. It's got a 30W bulb (one of those spotlight looking ones). I'm hoping there's a 20 or 25W bulb. Thoughts? The lava was all at the top (none in the coil) within a few hours (3).
3) I'm thinking that problem ^ has something to do with the fact there's very little wax in this globe. It might overheat so quickly 'cause there's not much wax. I've heard of liquid evaporating from the lamps, but not wax. Why so little wax in this lamp?
4) Any way to tell the age of this lamp? There's no markings anywhere.
5) Are these screw-off caps, too?
6) The lamp needs new felt on the bottom. What was the original color felt on these? And what's the best adhesive to use to glue a new felt piece on?
Any help would be appreciated. :) Thank you!