Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey Guys. I'm thinking about painting my clear/black grande 250oz (which has a silver base and cap) black to make it a midnight. Any advice anyone has would be helpful since I have not painted a lamp yet.


What kind of spray paint should I use to get the same look as a factory midnight?

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Thanks for the links. Checked them out but the MetalCast Annodized Paint By Duplicolor that Bohdan is using does not come in black :(. Know any good black paint to use?
Great advice! Thanks Bohdan. One last thing, I would like it to look the same as my factory midnights. Would you recommend the satin or gloss to get the same look?
Cool, will try the satin first. Just reg Krylon or is there a special heat resistant kind i need to be getting?
Looks very professional. I hope mine turns out looking like that, just in black. Never understood why I couldn't just get my grande in black to begin with. Its a clear/black, a silver base makes no sense to me.
Will post a few pics after the paint job. I'm off to buy the paint tonight.
Bohdan, the lamp is painted and looks great!! will post pics soon. My only concern is it says on the can "not to use paint on surfaces that exceed 200 degrees f" Do these lamps get that hot?
Perfect. Thx Marcel. I post some pics this weekend. It turned out great. Happy to be rid of the silver!
A lot of guys used header paint
The finished product,

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