Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

On Etsy vintage: Dirt-cheap Century base and Old Forrester decanter (aka Spire glitter lamp)

Just found these on Etsy vintage.

First, a gold Century base. If you need or want one of these and your budget is tight, $5 is pretty good!

Second, an Old Forrester decanter. Wizard of Ooze and I have made these into glitter lamps.

Drill a tiny hole in the side and insert the smallest candelabra base socket you can find, put in the smallest and shortest 7watt bulb you can find (try a big box hardware store, in the section of indicator lamps, usually in a pullout drawer) and put a tinfoil cone around it, both to act as a reflector and to keep the bulb from melting a spot on the side of the base.

Use a Groove Tube or a Hot Rock - solvent liquid may eat the plastic cap. And don't try lava; one person here tried it, and the base melted. It IS just plastic and there's not much room inside!

I refer to the Old Forrester-turned-glitter-lamp as the rare "Spire" series 300 by Starbright Lighting, Chicago, Illinois, circa 1967. Wizard of Ooze picked up the title, too. Use any color you want, though if I made a series of these (if I had a supply of parts) I'd do green, blue, red, orange, gold, chartreuse, lavendar and clear/colored stripes under bottle. I think a pair of these would look great on a mantel, or on end tables.

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I could have picked up an Old Forrester bottle for $10 a year or so ago. I still kick myself sometimes for letting it go :(
Hmm I think I remember Bohdan tried this and the base started to melt and sag but im not sure what bulb wattage was used. They do look cool though.
I see the forrester things all the time for dirt cheap prices locally. Should I be buying them?

You might find buyers on here. After January, I'd buy a few off ya!

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