Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Bohdan, Astro and I are excited to welcome Weebotech and Lamphead to join us on the OG Mod Team.  I went over the 5 nominations for Mods and was very happy to have these guys that have been on Oozing Goo since the "old days".  I'm sure they are both going to be great additions to the team.  The Moderator positions are a one-year post, and there are no term limits if the Mod wants to "run" again and the membership is happy too.  We want to thank them for stepping up and helping on this usually thankless job. 



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Hey, well done to you both :)

Being a mod is one heck of a job and not many people realize the hard work involved.
Congratulations guys!!!
Awesome! Welcome Jim and Rob!
Not you, you goon! LOL
Thank You to everyone for the votes of confidence. I just want the site to be a happy and fun place for us to visit. We have great times around here and im looking to keep that going.
CHEERS! congrats
Glad someone made up my mind:-P
I'll second that!
Congrats, I'm sure you'll both do a fantastic job!

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