Last month I won a Ceramic Santa lamp on EBay. The lamp came with a Blue Fluid/Red Lava globe. I decided to try to make a Green Fluid/Red Lava Christmas globe with Lava Louie supplies. I emptied a 32 oz globe that the lava was burnt and did not flow. I emptied the old fluid and wax and thoroughly cleaned the inside of the globe and the coil. For the fluid I used distilled water and the Surfactant that came with the kit. (8ml Surfactant per 1 liter of water) The wax comes in a mason jar and is white. I put the wax in a glass and melted enough to fill the bottom of the globe. I then added the red coloring to the wax. Before pouring the wax into the globe I rinsed the globe with the distilled water and surfactant solution and put the coil back in the globe. I think the rinse helps keep the wax from sticking to the glass. I then poured the melted wax into the globe with a funnel and a straw and measured it against another full globe. I then put the globe in the refrigerator to harden the wax faster. After the wax was cooled, I added the fluid mix and fired the lamp up. I let it run for about 10 hours and played with the solution to get the desired flow. I then added green food coloring one drop at a time till I got the fluid color I wanted. Finally I sealed the fully heated globe with a bottle capper that I have. For a first attempt I am pleased with the results. I have plenty more wax and surfactant, so I will try some more in the future. Anybody else used Lava Louie before? I know there was info on the older board.
LOVE IT! I tried to make the opposite, red liquid with green lava, (not with lava louie) It was a failure, nto just the color, but the impatient technique of mine.
The kit comes in two sizes and I bought the larger one for about $45. It has enough wax and surfactant to make 5 or more lamps I think. Depending on the size of them.
Have you been running the lamp very long since you made it up? Could I ask you to take a close look at the lamp when it is up and flowing for a couple hours and lift it up out of the base. Look at the very bottom and see if there is any lava sticking to the glass anywhere. If it is not, you will see the lava clearly adhearing to the coil only and it will move around with the coil if you tilt the globe from side to side. If it is sticking to the glass anywhere (even on the very bottom) it will be very apparent. If you could do that and let me know, I would appreciate it. I'm curious as to how his current formula for lava is working.
Permalink Reply by tim on March 10, 2008 at 12:31pm
I have done a few lamps with LL lava. Seems pretty decent. Am getting a small amount of stick-age to the glass, but not real bad. Mostly on the sides, not on the bottom. Have seen goo from 2 of his batches. Latest batch seems to be "less runny" than previous batch. Adding surfactant to water doesn't seem to change flow. Mostly getting a single blob which goes up and down.
I ran this lamp around Christmas and I did notice a small amount of sticking on the bottom. I have not noticed any sticking on the sides. I put the globe away with my Christmas stuff. I will try to pull it out and see how it is doing now. I also have an empty Consort that I may try refilling with some of the Goo and fluid I have left.
Thanks. I'm really interested in your results because when I've talked to Louie about this, he swears it never sticks and I'm near 100% sure it does no matter how much surfactant you use.