Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Any lamp is fair game now, not just the beatles and harley lamps. This thread has grown far beyond my expectations! 0.0

I really dont understand why these are always listed for ridiculous amounts. I see them all the time for $100 buy it now. I have a harley lamp and I want to sell it because I dont like it. Someone locally tried to sell me a beatles lamp for $100. Are these people nuts? Why do they all seem to list them for stupidly high prices?

Anyways I thought it would be fun to see who can find the most over priced harley davidson or beatles submarine lamp.

I am setting the bar really high.


$274.99 Buy it now.

$26.99 Shipping.

$301.98 Total

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Don Souliere said:

Ok ladies and Gentlemen, I think i found the best listing to date... It might not be the highest price but IT will make you laugh, take a close look at the base of the lamp and also what bulb he is using



That made me smile thank you.

Spence541 said:



Protective cage, AKA cd holder HAHAHHAHAHA,

I saw that and wrote the seller and said it was neither mint nor original. I even gave them a link to a Lava Lantern pic to see where the bottom half came from. They wrote back and said I must be mistaken. There needs to be an Oozing Goo Hall of Shame thread for eBay stuff like this.

Here we go!  


Goo Geek said:

I saw that and wrote the seller and said it was neither mint nor original. I even gave them a link to a Lava Lantern pic to see where the bottom half came from. They wrote back and said I must be mistaken. There needs to be an Oozing Goo Hall of Shame thread for eBay stuff like this.
Holy crap! Where do people get the idea to price these lamps that high?

Jim said:

Ok - from all appearances it DOES look like a nice Century.  Not that nice though.  In fact, not even close.



Did you see the name of the seller ? LOL

Erin said:
Holy crap! Where do people get the idea to price these lamps that high?
I DID! LOL I want to write them, but most people are so sure their lamp will sell at that price.

LampHead said:
Did you see the name of the seller ? LOL

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