Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Let's post some pics of our goo kits!!


My Blue Grande









































My Orange Grande






































My Purple / White Grande

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This is my very first goo kit. I was a virgin till then.

Another Killer Orange!! and the Lunar tube is pretty amazing too!!

Marcel said:

My orange Grande:

And my Lunartube:

These are 52oz lamps, red/green, blue/blue & white/yellow

More 52's, white/red, white/green & light blue/clear

Fluorescent blue Grande

32oz blue/blue

52oz white/clear

32oz blue/clear, yellow/clear & orange/clear

52oz white/yellow & white/purple

52oz lineup

Next project up is my 2nd Grande but im still on the fence between blue/clear or orange/clear, the pics posted above make it even harder to decide :)


WOW!!  I was all smitten with my 3 grandes, and then Lamp comes in...  AWESOME looking lamps by all!!  I'm thinking a Blue Liquid / Purple Lava Grande for the next one!!

Jim said:

No kidding.  Was just coming to post one word... SHOWOFF!!!

Marcel said:

Ok, you win Lamphead :)

I'm not far behind you in age Jim, and these are arts and crafts for us big boys;-)

Jim said:

And soon Rick will take this thread to 5 pages, Dr. What to 8.  My latest two creations are a 32 oz. blue/blue for my MIL, a 52 oz. purple/purple for my Mom.  Yes, I will be 40 in a couple of weeks and YES I still do crafts for Christmas like an 8 year old.  Our Moms are getting finger paintings too.


Have started coloring the lava and will color the liquid last once the lava color is just right.

These are just beautiful! Got two goo-kit questions.

One, do all of you who've tried these think that a lamp with white/clear goo kit fill would show colors (like the Russian lava lamps) if put in a bottle that has colored sections painted on the bottom?

Two, is there a thread anywhere discussing the process of setting up, coloring and filling with a goo kit, so I have an idea of how difficult the process would be?

Wile E., your blue/clear is spectacular! Is there a way to keep that jewel-like transparent lava look?

The pic of the Clear/Blue in this thread, is what the blue has turned into, and still looks the same after a month or so.  The initial pics I took of the first run, in my photos section, where it is transparent is awesome, but they will opaque up so to speak.  Even my Purple/White, the first run, the white was pretty much clear.  Seems the first run, the goo is transparent, and any runs after that it opaques up.


The hardest part of doing the goo kit I found, is getting the original silver cap off.  Not hard, just took my little knife, and slowly pried around it until I could wiggle it off.  Careful with the stopper underneath the lid.  Fair bit of pressure in the grande lamp anyway, and the liquid inside can splash you a little, and judging by the smell, I wouldn't want to get that in my eyes.  I emptied out about half the liquid, and then heated the lamp on it's base to melt the wax, and then dumped that out.  Cleaned the globe with warm water and soap about 5 good rinses, took a brush to scrub the inside a little, then rerinsed the globe with distilled water, and a little surf.  Heated the new goo in a double boiler, added dye when it was liquid, GENTLY pour it into the funnel, careful not to splash on the sides, let cool, add distilled water, surf, gently stir, recap, and go!!


I also used the original coils, each grande I've done has one big and one small, and cleaned them really well.  The kit comes with a mesh screen that you are supposed to twist and mangle to a shape.  I haven't tried the mesh, but a couple people here have, and say it also works fine.


So far, in my opinion, goo kits are a life saver for poop lamps, or if you wanna change one.  The shipping is as much as the kit to Canada, but if you're in the USA, it should be less.


Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

These are just beautiful! Got two goo-kit questions.

One, do all of you who've tried these think that a lamp with white/clear goo kit fill would show colors (like the Russian lava lamps) if put in a bottle that has colored sections painted on the bottom?

Two, is there a thread anywhere discussing the process of setting up, coloring and filling with a goo kit, so I have an idea of how difficult the process would be?

Wile E., your blue/clear is spectacular! Is there a way to keep that jewel-like transparent lava look?

LOVE these lamps. So gorgeous to look at. Every single one is beautiful. 


Here's my first and only GooKit grande:

Here are some of my gookits


Shawn, I LOVE the teal/blue one (non-blacklight). That's amazing.
Thanks! it's changed some since then. This pic was the first run but after a month it lightened much more so I bought the aqua blue dye pack and decided to add that to this lamp. Not sure if I'm happy with the aqua blue added to it, the color isn't so aqua, more green then aqua and at night it looks redish-purple.

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:
These are just beautiful! Got two goo-kit questions.

One, do all of you who've tried these think that a lamp with white/clear goo kit fill would show colors (like the Russian lava lamps) if put in a bottle that has colored sections painted on the bottom?

Two, is there a thread anywhere discussing the process of setting up, coloring and filling with a goo kit, so I have an idea of how difficult the process would be?

Wile E., your blue/clear is spectacular! Is there a way to keep that jewel-like transparent lava look?

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