Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Bohdan usually has these on his grande lamps and a lot of other lamps. How does he make them and is it hard. I love the look and would love to make a few. Thanks for your help and time.

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thanks instead of a dremel could i use a drill or is it not strong enough.
Bohdan, Have you ever tried using the RotoZip tool to make the plexiglass rings? It comes with an attachment that can be used to cut concentric circles as small as 4 inches or as large as 12 inches diameter. I have used it to cut deck holes in fiberglass and the tool uses a high speed cutting bit just like the Dremel. It cuts fiberglass very quickly and accurately. If the dimensions of the rings you are cutting fall between 4-12 inches you could quickly cut two concentric rings using the RotoZip tool. Sears also makes a very similar tool which I have.


Bohdan said:
You need the Dremel to cut the inner hole with the cutting disk . I tried a regular drill when I first began and no way . It is the speed and how flat the drhemTel lays over the plexi-glass.
could you make a smaller table for the top of a lamp or middle?
i know this is old, but i thought this would be a pain to make. I realized it wouldn't be that hard if you didn't need the stainless steel ring. If i put tables on top like in your picture do you need the steel ring? if not is there anything special you need? Also how would it look with light shinning through?
Love this one, reminds me of something out of the Jetsons

Bohdan said:

Once you make a table you may get carried away like I did. You can even use car door trim from an auto store to accent the outer edge or just have the light shine through.
That is not what i mean by on top, i misspoke. I mean like near the top of the globe.
ok, i will get the circle cutter but where do you get that plexiglass and how thick

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