Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Received three lamps damaged and probably not completely original .. started a controversy on Paypal but they request a written declaration by a qualified expert on Mathmos lamps that they are damaged and fake .. but not being able to find a Mathmos expert in Italy I lost the controvers .. Pictures taken of the damages and of original lamps compared to my lamps were not enough .. beware beware !!! :(

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I know exactly what you mean. We purchased something that turned out to be fake and the battle we had to sort it out, well! Luckily the makers of the original item passed our evidence to their legal team as they wanted to follow up to find the fakes seller. We finally mangaged to get a refund and the makers of the item sent us an original item as a thanks for helping them out with info. We had easily spent as much money on phone call costs as we did on the original item but, it was the fact that the item was fake and we feel strongly about such issues. So frustrating, sorry you've had a simlar problem :(
yeah i bought a lava lamp on ebay, white fluidium, seller didn't disclose the fact that the lamp had melted (due to him using the wrong bulb, it was huge!). paypal ruled in his favor. i hate monopolies
A fake can be difficult to prove, but damage to misuse and lack of disclosure is another story. That should have been handled better.

Difficult to use sugar when someone is trying to trick you ;) 


You cannot always go by someones feedback. The scammer we dealt with had really good feedback and lots of it. Sugar talk is great if you can get the seller to answer your emails.

true ..
I unknowingly bought a set of fake DVD's I was unable to claim the money back as he would only refund if I returned them and paid for tracking, which would cost more than the purchase price. Paypal weren't interested so I lost my money. I also got some very rude emails off the seller. His feedback was excellent!

When I have issues, I create a web page with the name of the seller, Detailed scenario and lots of pics.

Then make it available for the search engines. Then point the seller to it.

If need be, I add an explanation to my profile and an external link.


Believe it or not, on the old forum. we had a seller providing home made lamps of very poor quality.

I saved all the pictures and sent it back to him. He never responded. A couple years later he showed up on oozing goo to peddle his wares. I warned everyone. We had an interesting exchange, then I pointed to the auction (Which surprisingly still existed, my pictures and the scenario).  So it was quite some time later, but I did eventually get my money back. With the agreement to take down the disparaging information. I got the I'm a poor student explanation, but since it was garbage to begin with, he forced me to send it back and he received it, I expected my money back.  Keep pics and if possible expose them and the scenario.  Since I had a lava lamp gallery and full disclosure of bad sellers, Any time I had issues where I felt it was the seller's issue, I posted information there and forwarded them the link.


What is the link to your site with these pages?

WeeboTech said:

When I have issues, I create a web page with the name of the seller, Detailed scenario and lots of pics.

Then make it available for the search engines. Then point the seller to it.

If need be, I add an explanation to my profile and an external link.


Believe it or not, on the old forum. we had a seller providing home made lamps of very poor quality.

I saved all the pictures and sent it back to him. He never responded. A couple years later he showed up on oozing goo to peddle his wares. I warned everyone. We had an interesting exchange, then I
pointed to the auction (Which surprisingly still existed, my pictures
and the scenario).  So it was quite some time later, but I did
eventually get my money back. With the agreement to take down the
disparaging information. I got the I'm a poor student explanation, but
since it was garbage to begin with, he forced me to send it back and he
received it, I expected my money back.  Keep pics and if possible
expose them and the scenario.  Since I had a lava lamp gallery and
full disclosure of bad sellers, Any time I had issues where I felt it
was the seller's issue, I posted information there and forwarded them
the link.


It was at http://www.cotrone.com/rob/gallery/LavaLamps but I removed it a couple years ago when it did not serve me any longer.

SCOTT13A said:
What is the link to your site with these pages?

WeeboTech said:

When I have issues, I create a web page with the name of the seller, Detailed scenario and lots of pics.

Then make it available for the search engines. Then point the seller to it.

If need be, I add an explanation to my profile and an external link.

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