Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Desperate for a vintage Lava Lite black base plate.....

Hi Everyone,

I just bought my 1st Lava Lite Century off  Ebay, plugged it in and admired it for an hour or so and bang...the bulb blew, then I smelt a strange smell and realised the black base plate thats attached to the starlight base was melted !!!! - I'm really really gutted - its a great lamp ( model 102 ) and is sure to be the only one here in New Zealand..... and is an original 1970's.( we only get the NZ lamps and on occasion Mathmos....). I regard the vintage Lava Lite's as a far superior product.


Anyway - I'm desperate for a base plate please....I'll pay shipping costs, and will pay you via Paypal


If anyone knows what would have caused the melting - I'd also love to hear from you....


Please help   : )


My email is  Belmike@xtra.co.nz


Mike D

New Zealand

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Do you have pictures of the plate you speak of? and what size bulb do you have in it? I may have that part for you but I'd have to double check first.
Hi, Here is a picture of the base - hope you can help !!!!
what size bulb was in there? because a 40w wouldn't do this.

It was actually/apparently the original bulb - but I have since found out the problem was probably because we run on 240 volts here in New Zealand, and the bub only took the strain for so long then the bulb glass broke....so apparently a NZ 40w bulb should be fine...

Is the base you have the same ? If so I'd really like to get it from you...




Dr. WHAT?! said:

what size bulb was in there? because a 40w wouldn't do this.
Well I have the bottom from a silver century which should be fine as a replacement although I never actually tried it. I'll double check the base, when I get home from work, and make sure it looks the same as yours. If it does we'll talk about getting it shipped to you. I'm in the US so the shipping may be costly and not worth it for you. I'll let you know later today if it'll work.

Mike D said:

It was actually/apparently the original bulb - but I have since found out the problem was probably because we run on 240 volts here in New Zealand, and the bub only took the strain for so long then the bulb glass broke....so apparently a NZ 40w bulb should be fine...

Is the base you have the same ? If so I'd really like to get it from you...




Thanks very very much. Postage would in a small bubble wrap type pack USPS should be about $5 or $6 USD, if its a match - would you accept $20USD total ? Thanks, Mike

Dr. WHAT?! said:
Well I have the bottom from a silver century which should be fine as a replacement although I never actually tried it. I'll double check the base, when I get home from work, and make sure it looks the same as yours. If it does we'll talk about getting it shipped to you. I'm in the US so the shipping may be costly and not worth it for you. I'll let you know later today if it'll work.
Hey Mike accept my friend request so we can chat in private.

Mike D said:
Thanks very very much. Postage would in a small bubble wrap type pack USPS should be about $5 or $6 USD, if its a match - would you accept $20USD total ? Thanks, Mike

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