Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Okay, I thought it best to start a whole new thread for this.


As you know, folks are having problems with cloudy LL's.

I have received a very cloudy Grande from Amazon a few weeks ago and was very worried

that another Grande, which I had ordered from LampsPlus.com would also be cloudy.


Well, I just got off the phone with Paula. They are sending me a new globe to replace the

cloudy one. Also, I received the one from LampsPlus today and its fine, nice and clear.


So, here is the story, it was a manufacturing error, NOT a shipping, weather, etc. but a problem

at their factory.

They have corrected the problem some weeks ago and have been shipping the new ones to

their venders, however, some vendors, such as Amazon, may still have the old stock.


If you want to buy a Grande, please buy it direct from LavaLite (or ask your vendor if they have

the new stock) to assure a nice clear Grande.


In other news, the rumors of new colors for the Grande are false.


Anyone who has a cloudy LL should call Paula ASAP to get a new replacement: 1-630-315-3300


I'm so happy now I could pee myself :)

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Please let us know if the new one you receive directly from lava lite is clear.
Also, what was the color combination of the one that was clear and the one that was cloudy?


The cloudy Grande was purple w/ yellow lava, and when I received it, it looked like someone poured a pack of

CoolAid into some skim milk!!


The clear one (obviously from their new shipment) is sky blue with yellow lava.


When I get the new globe from LL, I will post and let everyone know what it looks like.

Or, if I can figure out how, will post a pic.

Josh Van Cleave said:

Also, what was the color combination of the one that was clear and the one that was cloudy?
Hey Georgie! Call her and be like wtf?! I know where you coming from after all I talked with Stephine about getting this fixed for you. I haven't spoke with her in a while so I don't know what the deal is, but I'm sure if you call and talk with Paula and tell her your the guy from AU she can give you more answers.

George said:
I've emailed Paula several times , 4 months later ......no replacement, I just keep getting told they are sending it.

Dont email, call her.

George said:

I've emailed Paula several times , 4 months later ......no replacement, I just keep getting told they are sending it.

Maybe they have been waiting on a new batch.

I like that color combor your getting, That's what i have. In the pic on the website the lava is a little brighter than on mine. It more of a green. It is still pretty

Stanley Post said:


The cloudy Grande was purple w/ yellow lava, and when I received it, it looked like someone poured a pack of

CoolAid into some skim milk!!


The clear one (obviously from their new shipment) is sky blue with yellow lava.


When I get the new globe from LL, I will post and let everyone know what it looks like.

Or, if I can figure out how, will post a pic.

Josh Van Cleave said:

Also, what was the color combination of the one that was clear and the one that was cloudy?

Yeah, I noticed some websites are saying "out of stock", so in this case, you want to wait.

Of course, this doesnt stop stupid Amazon from trying to dump their old stock, so DO NOT

buy one from them! Of course, as I type this, even they may be out of stock!!

WeeboTech said:

Maybe they have been waiting on a new batch.

Well, I don't have good news. Paula shipped my replacement 52oz lamp (purple liquid/yellow lava) and I received it today.Cap date has it 12/9/2010 and it is just as cloudy as the one it is replacing. She told me it was new stock so I am not too sure what to think. I got a couple smaller ones at Wal-Mart the other day and they are crystal clear.
well that sucks but I don't doubt its mostly do to transit and the weather. Regardless, take a picture and send it to her they need to see what shipping does to these lamps.
Let it settle for a few days before firing it up. Anytime they are shipped they need to settle.

I have heard some people say that you should fire them up just until the lava breaks up and then turn it off and cycle that way for a few days. It never worked for me.... Just to clarify, you say the lamps are always cloudy when they ship and they clear up for you if you let them sit for a couple days?

WeeboTech said:

Let it settle for a few days before firing it up. Anytime they are shipped they need to settle.

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