Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Okay, I thought it best to start a whole new thread for this.


As you know, folks are having problems with cloudy LL's.

I have received a very cloudy Grande from Amazon a few weeks ago and was very worried

that another Grande, which I had ordered from LampsPlus.com would also be cloudy.


Well, I just got off the phone with Paula. They are sending me a new globe to replace the

cloudy one. Also, I received the one from LampsPlus today and its fine, nice and clear.


So, here is the story, it was a manufacturing error, NOT a shipping, weather, etc. but a problem

at their factory.

They have corrected the problem some weeks ago and have been shipping the new ones to

their venders, however, some vendors, such as Amazon, may still have the old stock.


If you want to buy a Grande, please buy it direct from LavaLite (or ask your vendor if they have

the new stock) to assure a nice clear Grande.


In other news, the rumors of new colors for the Grande are false.


Anyone who has a cloudy LL should call Paula ASAP to get a new replacement: 1-630-315-3300


I'm so happy now I could pee myself :)

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For american lamps. I have not purchased a LL lamp in years. But almost all of the older american made lamps would be hazy or really badly cloudy. I let them settle, then cycle them. Eventually they clear up.
I've always wondered if you filtered out the white powerder/film from the bottom if that would help.

Currently I am on my 4th replacement lamp. I waited 2 months for the last one to clear before finally giving up and having her send me the one I received today. I have definitely noticed what you are talking about when you say there is a white cloudy liquid rising when you turn it on and white flakes when it settles. It was the worst with the black/clears. I'm going to let this one sit tonight and turn it on tomorrow. 


On another note, I think I need to get some Goo kits so I can do something with all these cloudy lamps I have sitting around gathering dust! 

Sounds like a design or manufacturing flaw then.

Yes, best to not get all excited and fire it up right away.

After taking your LL out of the box, set it up where you want it, then wait 24 (at least) hours before turning it on.


Patient, be patient ;)

WeeboTech said:

Let it settle for a few days before firing it up. Anytime they are shipped they need to settle.

Hmmm, I dont know what to think now.

I just paid a visit to Fleabay and saw some older used Grande's for sale.

They look pretty cloudy too!

Another thing I noticed is the glass its self is not very clear. It's thicker and more distorted

then the smaller lamps. Of course, though this doesnt help matters much, the 52oz ones are

also cloudy and the class on those is pretty clear.

I left a phone message with Paula today, now I have 2 Grande globes to replace.


In other news, I have been speaking with the manager of one of the largest, and oldest retailers of

LavaLite lamps (I will not mention the name please) and was told they will not sell any more untill

they are absolutly sure the quality problems are resolved. If not, they will no longer do business.


I have tried everything you guys mentioned; cycling, filtering (through several different media), etc.,

nothing clears them.


Normal running a few hours a day does improve them, also, when you first receive ANY LL you should

let it sit for at least 24 hours at room temp.


I do not have a warm fuzzy feeling about this whole "we fixed the problem and shipping new ones" idea :(


On the bright side, I get shipment from Electric Planet tomorrow of my first Mathmos Astro :)


P.S. I am not sure now if LL has "fixed" the problem, or ...!

try lava lite again, they have changed in my opinion

James Reiche said:

As long as LL still has people willing to buy their products, I fear nothing will change.
If you want a nice "new" lamp, spend what is required and buy a Mathmos. 


I learned my LL lesson some time ago, and I don't like making the same mistakes twice.

@Kempton What makes you say this? I believed it when I looked at their lamps at Wal-Mart but the replacement 52oz I just received direct from LL was cloudy as usual. I just don't know what to think right now
Well first i got an 8 oz from kmart. It was clear. Then I got a 52 oz from Spencer's Gifts. It flowed and was clear (it just over heats without a dimmer or frosted bulb). The I noticed starship was discontinued and bought one from Kmart again. It flows amazimgly well for an 8 oz. I actually realy like it!

I'm gonna check out Spencers next time I go to town. I really want to get a Mathmos but $120 is a lot of money 

Mathmos is worth the money. I was the same way, I got one and am getting another soon.
I really like the LED one that cycles through colors. It doesn't heat with a bulb though it has a heating plate. I would like to hear more reviews but I would possibly make the jump for that one.

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