Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Can anyone point me in right direction?  I would even be happy with just the base.

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What is a 5254?

Yes, they are hard to find.  That's why I came to the experts.  Perhaps someone may have a spare or two that they may be willing to part with.
I like the white ones. I would love to score a pair of those.

OH MY SWEET GENTLE JESUS, Blind....Thank you so much!  I just placed an order!  How were you able to find that????  I have been all over Lavalites.com and I did not see it.  This is what I saw on that site:


and the chrome was not there.

I promise to let you know if I actually get it.  You are my big HERO!


I want to send out a very special thank you to Blind Faith for turning me on to Lavalites.com.  They had 4 of the Chrome 5254 lamps available and I bought two for $20 each.  That was a great call.  Thanks for your knowledge and for your help.
Great Deal, 5254 lava lamp.
I went to see this lamp, it was on sale what a deal for you.
Thank you,
Blind Faith for your help!!!

Rici Faulkner said:
I want to send out a very special thank you to Blind Faith for turning me on to Lavalites.com.  They had 4 of the Chrome 5254 lamps available and I bought two for $20 each.  That was a great call.  Thanks for your knowledge and for your help.
YES!!!!  Especially since the lamp is discontinued and NOBODY has it anymore.  Someone was selling it on eBay for...are you ready for this...$80.  Yes...I said $80 for a not so special China lamp. So like I said...I was not greedy...I left two of the 4 for someone else.  If you want to snatch them up and sell them on eBay for a profit, I would suggest it!

Timothy said:
Great Deal, 5254 lava lamp.
I went to see this lamp, it was on sale what a deal for you.
Thank you,
Blind Faith for your help!!!

Rici Faulkner said:
I want to send out a very special thank you to Blind Faith for turning me on to Lavalites.com.  They had 4 of the Chrome 5254 lamps available and I bought two for $20 each.  That was a great call.  Thanks for your knowledge and for your help.
Rici would you suggest buying one? I may go for it.
Hi Kempton.  I got two that were not very cloudy at all. I really loved the color of  the base, so that is why I killed myself to get it.  I think you should go for it, and if you don't like it, sell it.  You could probably make a decent profit because they are hard to find now.

I dont normally care much for the black / clear LL's, but I do like those white bases and tops.

It really makes them look great.

I dont see many of these offered for sale though on Fleabay, so I guess they are hard to come by!?

The chrome ones are pretty easy to buy.

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