Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Just to let all know. I found this listing that is using pics of my lamps for their auction. Which in its self is no biggie I guess...BUT I switched out some of the globes, so unless they did the same, whoever bids on this auction is not getting those lamps with those globes. And I just want all to know that it is not me selling this, especially if this new ebayer turns out to be a bad ebayer.

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LOL stupid people. Man I would let ebay know about that because that is bad business. those color combos don't come with those lamps. plus i would pitch a fit to the seller about it.
Well this is probably not a good ebayer.

I did email the seller...nicely.... and I did not get a reply back, but they must have gotten the message because I see that the auction was ended early and he/she posted a new one with a new picture.

oooh so not good. glad to see they "fixed" the auction for whom ever decides to bid. gotta love people!

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