Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I need advice from the experts in this field. I have a 750ML (approx 24 ounces) glass crystal head. I want to make my very first custom lamp. I didn't put this in a specific group only because I wanted to get as much input on this as I can. I posted several pics to illistrate my questions. for starters I am not sure how to secure the top. The cork is wood topped with like a high quality foam to seal the glass. I am afraid this will melt.. Not sure on an alternative solution. I am iffy on the base, should I go standard, or go completely scratch on this whole thing. but right now my main concern is the seal on top. I am sure someone has done this allready, but I want to give it a go also. any input would be great.


As far as color still on the fence, I was thinking florescent green or blue with a black light in backround and either a blue bulb or red bulb underneath., to make the crystal glow and the wax emphasizing inside  the skull.


as for the base, I want to go black, but not sure on its form. should I go witht he can idea from other peeps or..


So what you all think of this project?

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I don't know if this will help. I asked about customs and got some replies. http://oozinggoo.ning.com/forum/topics/custom-lamp-1
Don your in luck. I've already went through the trials and tribulations of the same exact project. I don't have any pics up on the site but I have some at home I can forward to you later tonight. The first round of the project I went lava. Clear red and honestly the flow isn't great at all. There's simply not enough room for any movement. After the lava I went LL glitter. And about 3 weeks later the LL glitter started to eat away at the rubber cork part of the top. Pretty potent stuff. So then I bought a excalibur glitter lamp and used that formula and wrapped the cork part in tin foil. So far it's been fine and the glitter is pretty much the only thing that gives this bottle some life. The pics I have are of the lava version and I did have a video of the glitter version but it's gone now. But I'll break open the box I put it in this weekend and snap a few photos of the glitter version for you.
Looks like the cap has changed a little since I've bought mine too, mine is shaped like a octagon.
hmm, ok I have a LL glitter that was damaged and didnt throw away the liquid, it would be enough, so the issue would be the cap.. maybe some type of heavy duty aluminum and superglue it to the cork or something? so using wax is not going to be good, darn!
that would explain why the only working glitter lamp I have seemed low to me, thanks for that =)

Here are some pics when it was lava. I had 2 small coils in it that sat side by side and all that did was make it form one blob that just stayed in the 'hoola" state. No small blobs rising up one after another just a very inactive globe. I'll take pics of the glitter this weekend. But what I did with the cap was wrapped the rubber part in tinfoil then wrapped it with plastic like from a freezer zip-lock. Then I used silicone sealant to seal it. I dont know how the plastic would react to the LL glitter or how it would react to the tinfoil. Tinfoil is pretty thin and can get brittle Do you still that that red stopper that came with the LL glitter globe? maybe that will work?


I do, but the stopper is to narrow, I am thinking maybe like a coke bottle cap inverted to be a stopper or something to that affect
Yeah that can work, may have to trim the rubber stopper part.  Just anything to keep that formula away from the stopper :)
back the the wax idea, what if I used a screen on the bottom of skull and made it the length of the bottom ?
I dont know if that will work, unless you fold it the way they recommend.
ok, just bouncing off ideas, im still not sure what i will do
lemme take a pic of the glitter version this weekend maybe that'll help sway your decision.

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