Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Okay so i'm just started thinking about making a custom lamp. I would transfer liquid and wax from a 52 oz globe. How do you do that? I would make it absolut vodka bottle. Where do you get them? I dont drink vodka, and have no clue where to find a bottle.My next problem would be the transfer. I read something about a straw, but mine would melt. Could i just pour my wax through a plastic funnel? I did this on my beeswax lamp and it is fine. But to the point, how do I do this. The easy and final question is what base is best for the absolut bottle without modification?


Thanks for all your help on this lamp I may make!

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2 more questions, How many ounces is an absolut bottle and how much wax should i use from my 52 oz?
ok I think my neighbor drinks and has 1 liter bottles or 700ml. About how much wax should there be? like in fraction. 1/6 wax seems right, but i need the right amount. Any thing like there is 10 oz of wax in a 52 oz globe because i can fiqure out the proportional amount for my bottle.
anyone know how much i should use?
okay, but like what would you saw on the proportion of wax to water. for example a jar is 30 oz. How much wax should i use. 1 oz of wax for every 7 oz of water?
Ask your local Bartender at a Bar.

LLD said:
Absolut isn't the cheapest vodka in the market, but you might have a friend or neighbor who drinks it and could give you an empty. You also probably could use the 52 oz base from the china lamp for the bottle, depending on what size bottle you use. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.
It is illegal to give empty bottles away from bars in georgia
wow... that's a nice price!
lol, the bottle is ripper though.

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