Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Okay, I thought it best to start a whole new thread for this.


As you know, folks are having problems with cloudy LL's.

I have received a very cloudy Grande from Amazon a few weeks ago and was very worried

that another Grande, which I had ordered from LampsPlus.com would also be cloudy.


Well, I just got off the phone with Paula. They are sending me a new globe to replace the

cloudy one. Also, I received the one from LampsPlus today and its fine, nice and clear.


So, here is the story, it was a manufacturing error, NOT a shipping, weather, etc. but a problem

at their factory.

They have corrected the problem some weeks ago and have been shipping the new ones to

their venders, however, some vendors, such as Amazon, may still have the old stock.


If you want to buy a Grande, please buy it direct from LavaLite (or ask your vendor if they have

the new stock) to assure a nice clear Grande.


In other news, the rumors of new colors for the Grande are false.


Anyone who has a cloudy LL should call Paula ASAP to get a new replacement: 1-630-315-3300


I'm so happy now I could pee myself :)

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I'm not worried about getting a replacement for my $20 china lamp.  What I'd really like is to buy a working lava lamp that has a decent flow even if it cost a little more.  The alternatives of buying a gookit or paying $100+ for a mathmos don't work for me right now.


Jaded as I am, I've gotten my hopes up again.  That's why I'm hoping to hear from people with the new lamps.  It would be nice to just be able to buy a working lamp with no fuss.

Go to Spencer's and just check the globes. The first one i grabbed crystal clear, flows fine. I am watching it right now!

I agree, esp. if you are fronting the cash for a Grande, you owe it to yourself to go to a local store and look before

you buy.

Since my OP, I have found out some other things and have tried to put the pieces together.

On the one hand, LL tells me its a manufacturing defect, and new lamps are on their way. Meantime, I am

receiving the same cloudy replacement lamps with a note saying it's only a temporary shipping thing, the

cloudyness will go away after 5 days of running.

I have yet to have one lamp clear doing this. These cloudy lamps have been running everyday for weeks,

not a hint of getting clear.

Totally frustrated, I ordered a MSR filter pump and have so far filtered one very cloudy and dark purple Grande

with wonderful results. Not only did the filter clear the liquid in only one pass, it lightened it up so its not so dark.


Also, Coolstuffcheap.com has discontinued selling the Grande's because of the many complaints and returns.

If other retailers do this, LL will be forced to do something to fix their product, otherwise, they will continue shipping

them as usual.


Last I heard, LL says they (China) have not changed the formula, which I find hard to believe in light of the fact that

this cloudy problem has become so prevalent recently where it had not been an issue earlier.

Kempton said:

Go to Spencer's and just check the globes. The first one i grabbed crystal clear, flows fine. I am watching it right now!
There still seems to be alot of mixed impressions going around.  I'd expect if there were working lamps readily available more people would be talking about them.  Lava lite is all we got in the US and despite the fact that I hate what lava lite has done to the lava lamp name, I think anyone would like to be able to just walk into a store and buy a working lamp.

SO I finally made it into a Spencers today. All the 52oz lamps I looked at were clear. They had Pink Lava/Purple fluid, Yellow/Blue, Green/Clear, White/Blue, Yellow/Pink.  The cap date on mine is 12/25/10.


I fired it up and looking forward to seeing how it flows.  

My local Spencer's is close to an hour away, so I haven't checked it out yet.  I'm still curious to hear how these "newer" lamps are flowing.
New Lava Lamp???
Is this True.

I have a LL Granda Very Very Dark like Night
Could not even see the Sun.

I have had this LL for 24 days ran about 8 hours a day.
Now I can see the lava see some Midnight Blue in the middle
little haze up on sides of the lamp and just a little on top of the lave.
Would like to have a Clear Granda Not Today...
Have a Great Lava Day!!!

Frizank Knazrif said:
My local Spencer's is close to an hour away, so I haven't checked it out yet.  I'm still curious to hear how these "newer" lamps are flowing.

Update: I am a very happy customer! The 52oz Yellow Lava/Blue Liquid I purchased at Spencers is running great!  When It first started the yellow lava was completely transparant but today it isn't. Really odd how that works but it looks great now and flows fine.  


I know Spencers is an hour away for you but it is an hour away for me as well and the lamps are only 19.99. It is time to take a Saturday and make the trip! 

Sounds promising.  I might ride up to spencer's sometime soon.  I'm not making a special trip for it though.  I figure the longer I wait, the better chance any old stock will get cleared out by the unsuspecting masses.  I'm not playing the "return game" again.  I'll give lava lite one shot; if the lava lamp I get is bad, it's getting returned and I'm waiting til next year.
Sorry to be a downer, but I received FIVE replacements, and ALL of them were cloudy or had a broken coil.  I finally followed the wonderful instructions on this site, opened up a lamp, replaced the liquid, and recapped.  Works great.  Lava Lamp moved their manufacturing to China, and since then they have been turning out malfunctioning lamps.  I don't know how they are staying in business.
I know the problem batch may have been through the suppliers now or it was just luck but I got a 32ouz orange and clear off amazon (UK) from LL and it was ok so maybe the problem is still on going but I haven't seen any issues from my direct experience.
Congratulations on getting a working lamp.  I was corresponding with them and getting replacement lamps over a period of 18 months.  The last one they sent was a different color but with the same problem.  There are reviews on Amazon from others over a period of about two years who report the same problems.  Glad you were lucky and got a good one.  From what I read, the English manufacturer, Mathmos, has a good reputation for excellent lamps.  Best wishes.

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