Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

D Electronics has a few 2011 spoilers up.


- 12oz lamp with black base/cap and 6 colors

- 32oz lamp with 5 different base/cap colors

- 20oz vortex glitter lamp


I'm excited to see the potential return of the 32oz.  I hope there is a plan to introduce some more colors and models to the 52oz line.

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I've spoke with Stephine from LL last week said she would send me a catalog this week so hang tight. Here is a pic of one of the nice additions to the line up.




That pic is great Doc!  If these babies flow like vintage I am sold.  I gotta grande to fill!

I really hope the formula and quality of the globes improve.

How many people like those really small 8oz and 12oz lamps?

I can't seem to get my head around such a small lamp. They've never flowed nicely.

I ended up destroying all the tiny ones for parts.


The new 32oz in the O.P. looks nice!

>> Now what would be really cool to see is a Starship in the 52z line up.

Oh Yes!

I think its ok, not something I am willing to go out and buy the second it comes out..
I agree with Bohdan about 52oz starships. I'd order a full set. I would also really like to see the Aristocrats with a pinhole base. I think the base looks classy, but I don't want to invest in a set of 32's since I already started working on a set of 52's.
Seams as though its going to be a good year for LL lamps - finally they have got there act together and made some nice bases.

"How many people like those really small 8oz and 12oz lamps?" - I have got a 8oz glitter but that probley as far as it goes I reckon the lava version wouldn't work so well.

I can only see the 8oz/12oz as glitter lamps.

Just as Bodhan says, the smaller lamps do not have enough room to flow right as lava lamps.

Not bad at all. I will buy a full set of colors if they arent crappy.

Dr. WHAT?! said:

I've spoke with Stephine from LL last week said she would send me a catalog this week so hang tight. Here is a pic of one of the nice additions to the line up.





well I just spoke with her and they are waiting a few more weeks on the catalog release because they are launching a new website and will have the catalog on there. But I did find out the 52 oz. will have new colors as well as new colored bases. So we have to hang tight a little longer :( But the outlook is much much improved, kudos to LL.
still on the drawing board :(
Another thing I was guaranteed was NO MORE CLOUDY GLOBES! woohoo

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