Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Okay, I thought it best to start a whole new thread for this.


As you know, folks are having problems with cloudy LL's.

I have received a very cloudy Grande from Amazon a few weeks ago and was very worried

that another Grande, which I had ordered from LampsPlus.com would also be cloudy.


Well, I just got off the phone with Paula. They are sending me a new globe to replace the

cloudy one. Also, I received the one from LampsPlus today and its fine, nice and clear.


So, here is the story, it was a manufacturing error, NOT a shipping, weather, etc. but a problem

at their factory.

They have corrected the problem some weeks ago and have been shipping the new ones to

their venders, however, some vendors, such as Amazon, may still have the old stock.


If you want to buy a Grande, please buy it direct from LavaLite (or ask your vendor if they have

the new stock) to assure a nice clear Grande.


In other news, the rumors of new colors for the Grande are false.


Anyone who has a cloudy LL should call Paula ASAP to get a new replacement: 1-630-315-3300


I'm so happy now I could pee myself :)

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Pure rubbish I tell you. Hope all is well.
"Pure rubbish I tell you" - yea it may just be fluke.
Mathmos does have a fantastic reputation for LL but for about £40 for a new one you get what you pay for.

"Hope all is well." - thanks, I am ok at the minuet, I think I will start trying my own lava lamp projects soon - will keep you all informed how it is going.

Bohdan, why do you keep saying "new formula"? I have seen nor heard anything offical from LL that they

have any plans to change the formula.

They are coming out with a new catalog with new products and colors.

Where are you getting the new formula message from? Do you know something we dont?

If so, please share your source ;)

I would love to have hope that LL is fixing the cloudy from shipping issue, and that may involve modifing the

formula so its more shipping friendly.

But I have seen no evidence that a formula change is in the works :\


Bohdan said:

They sell tons of 20z lava lamps this has become there bread and butter for sales. We shall soon see what there newer formula will look like but this is now going to be at the end of 2011 and perhaps even into 2012.

If a globe is not upright when shipped, it can get cloudy as the water swooshes back and forth against the wax. I've seen this many times until I perfected my shipping instructions, Then the globes started coming in clear during shipment. In addition, the globe needs a settle period after it has been received and goes through the temperature variance. 


Part of the clouding could be a problem with the formula. It's been said multiple times that the newer lamps do not flow nearly the same way as older lamps. 


Bodhan makes reference to dye leakage also. So all of these come into play.


It could be less traveling in the UK helps preserve the larger globes from shaking vs traveling across country from CA to IL or where ever.


One point I would have to add, with the older american globes, If they came in cloudy from shipping sideways, I've seen them clear up with continued cycling over time. In fact they were quite resilient. 

The newer globes do not seem to have the same resiliency. 


Richard said:

There doesn't seem to be a problem with cloudy grandes here in the uk, well not what I've seen/read anyways.
Surely the clouding is caused by the bottles being filled with liquid when the wax is still warm as any amount of shaking shouldn't cloud them when the wax is in a solid lump at the bottom ?

I've had mathmos lamps arrive on their side and be ruined too, But I'm also a much longer distance to ship (UK->US). 

They were mostly fluidiums and a few clear/white jets. 

It could also depend on the lamps age and/or heat factor as you mention. 

Also., I had a white opal shipped overnight from UK->US and it was on the side in the truck, when I opened it it was ruined. I know it was clear when the seller sent it. 


The other 2 that were marked properly and seemed to be shipped upright arrived clear. 

I wish for a Purple/White Grande! Odd they never released them here. 

I got both of these color combos and they are just OK.  The Blue/Purple is rather dark and is hard to see, and the dark red/white is slightly cloudy. All the other 20oz lamps I have gotten were crystal clear.  Also, I have noticed on the 20oz's I have gotten directly from LL the globes seems to have a lot more of the lil white speck defects whereas the ones I get from Wal-Mart are perfect. 

Bohdan said:
They also have in there 20z line the Dark red liquid with white lava and Blue liquid with purple lava. So perhaps these colors may just be in the 32z and 52z with the same for the Grandes.
I don't know if this will help at all but I could get some LL lava lamps from the UK base of LL and then send them off to goo heads in the US or wherever as it seams as though the UK models are ok and there is more variety in the UK for LL lamps.

However I don't know how the voltage difference from UK to US will affect things (i.e. would it be possible).

I think its a combination of both the formula they use and the improper shipping.

Since these are in tall boxes, the tendency is to lay them on their side becase up-right, they could

easily tip over. It also depends on your carrier, how rough they are.

Some folks get lucky and receive nice clear LL's, but most of us get the "cocktail shaker" treatment :(

Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no you can't disguise
(You can't disguise, no you can't disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me, tell me lies)


Not to butt in but I have dealt with lava world and all they do is lie then ignore you! I stopped dealing with that company and their poor customer service phoneys years ago! I find it ludicrous that this Paula woman is trying to appease you! LOL good one!

Fair point

Anyway going back on what I said earlier about my LL from Lava Light being ok, its not the case :( as it seams to be over heating and there is zero flow. I thought as it came with a clear bulb then this could cause it to over heat so I replaced it with a frosted bulb and still noughing. I will try a dimmer switch on it and see what it does and if not then it will be Goo kited.

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