Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

As some of you will be aware from my thread in the problems forum, I've decided to buy a new bottle for my Crestworth as the current one isn't worth saving. So yesterday morning I went on the Mathmos website and ordered a Yellow/Red Astro bottle and some other replacement bits for my other lamps.


Anyway, I chose free postage in the UK, and it said it would take approx 5 days to come so I was expecting it to arrive mid next week. Imagine my surprise when it turned up this morning, less than 24 hours later!  Now that's customer service, and a company that doesn't rip people off by charging ridiculous postage charges.


I don't know how good they are for overseas, but I'll definitely be buying direct in future rather than going via third parties which I have in the past.


Now if I can only work out how to unglue the top on my old bottle...

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I'll definitely be buying direct in future rather than going via third parties which I have in the past.

Fair enough, I have got all of my Mathmos lamps  2nd hand from Ebay and Gumtree as going direct through mathmoss is too expensive for me.

Getting the top off - Bohdan is right but I have also heard that a pipe wrench can work as well.

I haven't a hairdryer handy so tried the same technique with hot water and a rubber glove. Et voila! The top is now sitting happily on top of my new bottle.


Yes, I agree they're much more expensive, but postage on ebay can sometimes be a consideration too. I was charged £12.99 for my last lamp, which didn't make it that much cheaper than a new one in the end. I don't think I'd buy an entire lamp from them as they're stupidly expensive, but for bottles and odd replacements it's not so bad. It's scary how much prices have changed over the years, I bought my first Telstar when I was 15 after saving up my birthday money. I think it cost about £30-40. I don't think many kids could afford a new Mathmos these days!


Managed to take some pics, not terribly great quality as my phone is very old but you get the idea. I hope to take some better photos of my collection over the weekend.
I don't think many kids could afford a new Mathmos these days!
I could only dream of a Mathmos when I was younger - I manly got peace lamps and other china models from the cheap shops. 

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